Chapter 7

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Hey all! Yeah, it's been a while, again... I'm bad at the whole updating frequently thing, aren't I? Anyways, this is a relatively short chapter, a couple thousand words, and I hope that you all like it!

I've had some people express confusion on how Strange was able to write a note or even touch things in the physical world, but if you remember in his solo movie, when Strange's astral form is fighting with one of Kaecilius' minions while Christine is trying to stitch Strange's actual body up (I've attached a clip above if you don't remember), they were able to knock medical supplies off the rolling cart while in their astral form. So if they can do that accidentally, I suspect that they can do it on purpose, and furthermore, Strange has the training required for that since he is Sorcerer Supreme. Hope that clears some things up :)

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To the Avengers...

Spider-Man explained the majority of the events that occurred; his story captures a large part of what occurred. However, none of you know what will happen in the future, and that's where I step in. Parker was right in that I cannot speak to any of you unless I rip your souls out of your bodies into the Astral Plane (which is not pleasant in any way if you are not used to the feeling), and he would have to call me back and be present for the conversation anyways because our astral forms are connected. It would take too much time and energy for a pointless endeavor, so you'll just have to trust that Parker can get my word across properly; in any case I can always leave a letter such as this one to clear up any confusion. The time stone deemed him the worthiest and he's the key in saving the universe so it'd be pointless to argue.

Many of you may be wondering why the time stone decided to place the weight of the universe on Parker's shoulders. In the 14,000,605 futures I saw, Thanos succeeded in every one of them. He snapped, but in a select few, we managed to regain the half that we lost. However, I decided to aim for the one with the most positive result, because while we may have gotten half the universe back, some people's lives were irreparably torn apart as a result. Take one future, where Thanos snapped, and Peter faded away. Tony Stark survived. He, along with the blue alien Nebula (whom you have not met yet, but must get in contact with for this plan to work. That's for later, though) travel through space, nearly dying from hunger and lack of oxygen before Captain Marvel (once a human by the name of Carol Danvers- I'd ask Nick Fury about her) rescued them and brought them back to earth. The remaining Avengers meet them, but tensions are high from the Civil War and events that ensued (which have luckily been prevented here). A couple of days later, they get a reading of a large energy pulse, which they determine to be Thanos. They track him down only to find out that he has used the stones to destroy the stones.

Tony looked up from his reading, staring at the rest of his teammates, all of whom were entranced, horror gleaming in their eyes as they heard of this future where they supposedly won yet lost something irreplaceable. Tony swallowed down his own unease and continued.

5 years pass. A sharp intake of breath from someone. The world moves on, people remarry, create new lives. Then, a stroke of luck. A small animal scurries over the controls of the machine that kept Scott Lang stuck in the Quantum Realm for those 5 years. He's freed, comes to the Compound. They realize they have a shot, using the Quantum Realm to time travel to collect the stones before Thanos can. Banner (merged with the Hulk) can't figure out how to make them go through time, only the other way around- time going through them. Great if you want to become a baby again, but not exactly what they were aiming to do. So they go to the one person who's left- Stark, who by now has married Potts and has a daughter named Morgan.

Tony's words faltered and he felt everyone's gaze fixed on him; a mix of shock from those who never thought he could be a father, and pride from those who knew he could. He felt his stomach warm with the possibility, but shook it away for now. They had bigger problems at hand.

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