Chapter 10

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Y'all this is where shit goes down, and I thought it was unfair to keep you all waiting now that we're SO CLOSE to the end of this and I've already made you wait a whole year, so... here it is. The final battle. And the following two chapters after this will just be wrapping it all up :)

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The ride to Thanos' ship was filled with tense silence and nervous shifting. People were paired up or gathered in little groups murmuring to themselves. The planned amount of time to get to Thanos' ship was a good 5-6 hours, which left an unhealthy amount of time for stewing in their thoughts, if Tony did say so himself.

Peter, sitting beside him, was lost in thought, eyes occasionally flicking to where Wanda was sitting next to Steve and Vision.

They'd all had a great debate on whether they should risk Vision coming; should they utilize all the power they could or should they play it safe and enable that Thanos can't get to the stones? Eventually, they all decided on Vision attending, banking on the fact that they knew Thanos didn't have all the stones gathered, and they'd need all the help they could get. Because if they failed in this battle, it ultimately wouldn't matter where Vision was; Thanos would get to him eventually.

It really was now or never.

Eventually, about halfway through their trip, Steve stood up. Tony had been expecting it, really, the super-soldier seemed to have too much energy to stay in one place. He was surprised he'd lasted 3 hours.

"We should go over the plan," Steve said. "We've got time before we land. Can we connect to the comms of the other two ships to go over it?"

Tony nodded and with a short command to FRIDAY, they were all connected. Bruce was flying one ship, Nat the other, and Carol the one Tony and Steve were on.

"Okay," Steve started. "So we know we're going in split up, utilizing the three spacecrafts to attack from several sides. We know Thanos' ship is stationed above a small uninhabited planet, but we checked and saw that the atmosphere has enough oxygen and nitrogen to be similar enough to Earth. So if the battle has to be taken there, we won't suffocate. However, one thing we don't have is the guarantee of drawing Thanos out. At the moment, all we can be sure of is that he'll send his army for us, but all he has to do is sit there and control-" at the word control, Peter shot up, back ramrod straight and excitement in his eyes. Eyes glanced towards him.

Tony opened his mouth to question what was going through the kid's mind when Peter spoke up. Eyes glowing, he glanced towards Wanda again, catching her gaze this time as he said, "I have a plan."

~ ~ ~

Things weren't going as planned.

Well, Peter amended in his thoughts as he webbed another ugly-ass Chitauri alien to the ground, we still have a chance

Thanos had seen their spacecraft coming, and had sent out his own minions to attack before the Avengers could even reach the mothership to try and execute the plan. As Steve predicted, the battle had been taken to the small planet- which was promptly wrecked. Thank god it had been uninhabited.

As these thoughts rushed through Peter, he snapped up in shock when his comms crackled to life with Steve yelling "Thanos is coming down here, you guys, be ready!"

Nebula had informed them that this would happen; Thanos wasn't the type to sit by and let his minions do all the work. Tony had brought up the Battle of New York, why Thanos had let his minions and Loki do that if he liked to be in charge, and Nebula responded with saying that was just a tiny planet takeover for him. It's why when the portal was closed, he hadn't bothered to really try to open it again; it made no real difference whether he took Earth over in that moment or years from then. This, though, was a real threat to his power, and, like when Peter fought him before (or in the future? damn time travel), he would come down to do the work himself. Add to the fact that Strange, with the time stone, and Vision, with the mind stone, were both here in the same place, he wouldn't pass that opportunity up.

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