Chapter 9

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As Tony led Thor back through the twisting halls of the compound, he could hear broken strings of voices and arguments echoing and bouncing off the walls.

"-where did he-"

"-don't know-"


"So nothing has changed." Thor mused quietly, hearing the arguments himself.

"I mean, we're still a group of stubborn motherfuckers, but quite a lot's changed, buddy. We've got some new people- we're gonna have to call new people in, too, anyone we know."

Thor was quiet for a couple of moments as they reached the room, arguments growing louder. Then, "Has Banner come back yet?"

Tony swallowed, remembering the visual of the jet carrying the Hulk speeding off into the sky, completely untraceable before disappearing. No trace of Banner- or the Hulk- since. "No." he admitted. "Have you?" it wasn't really a question, though; he already knew the answer before Thor shook his head. And then they were at the threshold of the door holding the rest of the Avengers and he couldn't say anything else.

With the arguing, not many people noticed him at first. Natasha was one of them- of course- along with Barnes, and she raised an eyebrow at the sight of Thor towering at Tony's side. Since the rest of the room had obviously not noticed them, she took it upon herself to take the gun stashed in her hip holster and fire it into the air. It grew quiet instantaneously. Everyone finally noticed Thor.

"I did say I was going to get Thor, didn't I?" Tony said, somewhat exasperated with the constant chaos he returned to every time he left the room.

"You also keep running out of the room like a headless chicken, man." Clint cut in. Tony shrugged.

"Yeah, I think I'll give up on running. Too exhausting. I'll take the suit next time, it's got more flair. Pizzazz. You know." Tony said, hearing the sighs in his head before they actually echoed around the room. He clapped once. "Back to business. Where the hell did Fury walk off to-"

"Right here." the man's voice said behind him, and Tony turned a full 180 to find him leaning against the door frame.

"Oh so now you show up. Gonna walk out the next time an argument starts up, Nicky Jon Jones?" Tony said, poking fun at him. Fury ignored the subtle dig to that stupid children's book with the weird cat that had too big of a head, like an airhead- oh. Dammit, Stark.

"Not my job to clear up your petty squabbles, Stark. I was getting in contact with T'Challa. Black Panther, King of Wakanda."

Tony tilted his head. "I know he had that ridiculous supersuit at the airport- and he didn't come back here with us when Peter popped up because he needed to go check on his people- but isn't Wakanda still a third world country?" the 'what does he have to offer us' was left unsaid, but heard nonetheless.

Fury shook his head. "It's... complicated. But you wouldn't believe me if I said they have more technological advancements than the rest of the world, even on the level of or surpassing you." Shock rippled through the room and Tony could hear murmurs. He shrugged.

"Not that surprising, actually, that supersuit was pretty advanced."

Fury barely registered him as he barreled on. "I sent him a copy of the videos from Spider-Man's suit so he could assess the threat like you all did and get his people ready. I also paged Captain Marvel."

"Well, you've been busy." Tony heard someone mutter.

"I'd ask how you got a copy of the video from Peter's suit, but honestly, I'm not surprised." Tony sighed. "What about the other group of people? The Guardians? How are we supposed to contact them?"

Endgame 2.0 (A Peter Parker and Avengers fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now