Mate! Wait! 2

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I decided to transform into my wolf. Bones cracked and clothes shred, then a frosty white wolf was running were I was not a second ago. I ran for less than ten seconds before a wall of muscle tackled me. He turned me on my back so I could look into his saphire-blue eyes.

He got off me and jerked his head to signal to follow him through the pine woods. We were running in the opposite direction of the school, so I assumed we were going to his pack house. I wonder if his Alpha would care. His Alpha must be the new Alpha that was coming to my school. Maybe his group of friends were his packmates. Probably. He ran faster suddenly, so we must have nealy reached his pack house.

'Damn!' was all my mind could conjur about the manor standing magnificently in all its white-brick-five-storey in front of me. He pushed open a door at the back that was open, and ran up some stairs. He came to a halt at the top of the stairs, again signalling to me to follow. I ran up quietly, keeping my wait on my haunches.

He brought me to a large room, so big infact it could be an Alphas room. It had large windows, tall white walls, a high ceiling and a giant bed. He closed the door with his muzzle then ran into what I thought was a closet. He came out with a large white t-shirt and a pair of boxers. I motioned him to turn away and then transformed back into my human form, quickly slipping on the t-shirt and boxers.

I turned away quickly when he transformed. I heard fabric sliding and then large muscled arms latched around my waist. I turned around and then tried to step back. He let out a deep growl and pulled me impossibly close. I breathed deeply then said, "What is your name? I would like to know it before I reject you." 

A growl so deep escaped his throat you could probably here it from China. "My name is Alpha Louis. And I would never allow my sweet dear mate to reject the strongest Alpha in America." I sighed because I knew he would never accept and said defiantly any way, "Get off me. I need to go. I reject you. Go do some Alpha stuff!"

"I will never leave you, you are my mate! You do not need to leave. I reject your rejection. You are mine!" He pushed me against on of the walls in his giant bedroom, and decided to kiss me!

He moves his lips possesivly and when I didn't respond, he growled harshly. Jess wondered in my mind about stuff, but I was concentrating on my face holding its the facàde of a hidden great plan. I smirked, and suddenly my knee connected roughly with his... Man Parts. He doubled over with a loud grunt and stared at me with watery eyes. 

Jumping out the window and not getting injured because you know, werewolf abilities... I sprint all the way back to my Audi. Standing on the steps of my school, with my forgotten blue schoolbag in hand, stood my best friend Cynthia, her mate my brother's Beta, and yes, my Alpha. A.K.A my overprotective big brother, Liam.

Oh Help me Moon Goddess, I pray silently and in the pack of my mind Jess agrees with a whimper. 

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