Horror Movies (Zadr)

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again this is zadr so just a warning

Dibs P.O.V

I woke up to a knock at my window. I yawned as I got up to see what it was about and took a look at my window's direction as I see a small figure climb through. I calmed down immediately knowing that it was just my boyfriend Zim. Yes we are dating, it started after a long of being friends after Zim figured out the truth about his mission. He was a bit ...unlike himself then that changed to wanting revenge but he eventually calmed down in the end and we started becoming friends. It wasn't easy but hey, it was worth it.

"Zim what are you doing here at 2 in the morning?"

Zim looks at me through the dark I stare at him wondering what he's doing without his disguise as I see those beautiful red orbs stare back at me.

"The great Zim is bored and needs to be entertained! "

"Zim, like I said, it's 2 in the morning can't you uh I don't know invent some useful devices or something? I need sleep." I whisper, knowing if I wake up Gaz all hell will break loose.

Zim stared at me like I was an idiot which I'm sure that's what he thinks of me

"Zim did! I already made a floating cup holder, a new weapon, a robotic pig for Gir that can make some good waffles, and many more! I'm bored Dib-Stink entertain me!"

I sighed.

"One. You're not gonna leave until I entertain you are you? Even if I do need my sleep.. 2. Please keep it down or you'll wake up Gaz."

Zim looked at me a bit terrified after I mention Gaz. He's pretty much scared of her and I don't blame him. He keeps his voice down after that.

"Pfft you humans are weak for NEEDING sleep. But whatever you can sleep later just keep me entertained!"

I gave him a 'really?' look but gave up in the end.

"Fine then how about we watch a movie? You can pick from the shelf"

Zim walks over to a shelf which has a bunch of movies I have collected.

"How about this one" Zim holds up a movie in front of my face.

"Zim that's a horror movie you sure that you can handle it?" I say with a mixture of concern and amusement. Concern because he may wake up Gaz from screaming and amusement because it'd be funny watching him deny that he's scared.

"Whatever this horror thing means I'm sure that the almighty Zim can handle it."

"If you say so" I say as the movie begins to play

*time skip brought to you by there's that ham again*

It's half way through the movie and Zim was clutch to my arm like his life depended on it every time a character would get stabbed he would scream and hide further into the blanket holding my arm more tightly I didn't mind cause it was cute. But at the same time I wondered about Gaz. He screamed loudly like 10 times during the movie but Gaz still hasn't stormed in giving us a real life horror movie. I started to wonder if she's even here but I didn't question it even further as long as she's not stomping down the hallway I'm ok with it. I just concentrated on the movie and the little alien who was now bear hugging me with eyes shut tightly.

"Aww someone scared?"

Zim shot a glare at me and let me go.

"What?! No! Zim just finds this movie.....GERMY! I don't want to set my eyes on those DISGUSTING germs! Yes! That's the real reason I appear to act like this!"

I rolled my eyes at this and smiled as he shrieked once more after seeing a rather gruesome death scene and hugging onto me once more. I wrapped my arms around him in comfort.

"Heheh whatever you say Zim..."

Getting into the movie once more I yawned. It was almost 3 now and I really wanted some sleep. But the movie has a little while longer before it ends. I was honestly hoping Zim would get sleepy enough to go into sleep mode but it seems like he's too afraid to fall asleep at all tonight. I just hope he would let me sleep after this. But knowing Zim....he might want to watch the second movie....

This is gonna be a long night. But as long as he's here with me safe and sound? I don't give a care in this entire planet. I gave Zim a kiss on his forehead and he hung onto me tighter. Nothing could possibly ruin this moment. Until Zim screamed.....and loud stomping comes down the hallway.


My turn to be horrified.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2019 ⏰

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