Chapter 19

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Scarlett's P.O.V

We both abruptly came to a stop. Our heads turned almost in sync as we tried to look for the 3 idiots. All I could see was trees and more trees. Better yet, the path we were recently on had vanished. We were both lost.




Our shouts were silenced by the large forest above, behind and in front of us. The sun was on the verge of setting...

"Ugh." I said as I sat down and put my head in my hands.

"It'll be o-"

"We're in the middle of the woods and it's getting dark." I said and sighed. The wind started to pick up. Ash lightly sat next to me. Then set one arm on my shoulder while pulling me close to him.

"We'll find our way out of here. I promise Jules." He assured me. I just simply nodded and he helped me up.

"So do you have your phone?" He asked.

"I left it in my car..."

"Let's just keep walking I guess."

That's exactly what we did. We kept walking and walking till the sun set and the darkness engulfed us. Even though it was pitch dark we kept walking, Ashton stopping once and a while checking up on me. I could almost make out his hazel eyes. Sometimes they would be staring at me, while other times they would be focused on a way through.

The minutes kept passing. Our feet grew tired and I'm sure our heads were pounding. He suddenly stopped.

"We should rest for a sec." Ashton said before he sat down. From what I can see, his hair was tangled and his pants were covered in mud.

I sat down next to him. If we weren't stuck in the middle of the woods, this might have been romantic. My eyes found their way to Ashton's. For some reason, they were already planted on me. I smiled at him, then his own dimples went wide. He looked down at my lips. Then he bit his lip before leaning in. I had no time to realize until he kissed me.

Ashton Irwin was kissing me. I found myself kissing back. Gently then roughly. Then he pushed me back.

"I can't do this. I love someone else." He muttered then got up.

"Who?" I asked before standing up beside him.

"A girl named Scarlett." He said and started walking away. I couldn't help but smile and remember the way his lips felt on mine before starting after him.

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