Chapter 31

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Scarlett's P.O.V

What does he mean payback? I don't remember doing anything.

"Ashton, you've got me confused."

"You both hid from us, when you knew where we were. Plus, We're just bored." Ahh so that's why they're doing this. Well if they're going to mess with us, we might as well mess with them right back. This was the beginning of... The Prank War.

"Ashton, my head really hurts." I pouted putting a hand on my head. I started to think of cute kittens dying, then I started tearing up. Warm tears poured out of my eyes, gaining Ashton's attention.

"Don't cry Scarlett here I'll put you down. Do you need me to get you something?" Bingo. Ashton lightly set me down. I still had my hand on my when I went for it.

"Courtney go!" I yelled at her while pushing Cal off of her. I grabbed her hand and ran upstairs making sure the guys didn't catch up. When we finally arrived in my room, I slammed the door and locked it.

"What do we do know?" Courtney asked out of breath. I stood near the door thinking before I remember. We had nerf guns.

"I have some nerf guns in my closet." I suddenly ran over to my closet doors. There was piles of boxes and it took me a minute to find which one contained the guns. When I finally reached them, I threw one at Courtney. My heart was beating fast in my chest and I'm assuming Courtney's was too.

"Fill them up all the way. We'll clean up the mess tomorrow." Courtney quickly said as we both held our guns over the faucet. It took a minute but we finally finished filling them up. I silently looked over at her. We needed a game plan or we will just end up how we were before.

"I'm guessing someone's outside the door. So you get left and I get right. Don't stop until they're soaked." I whispered. Courtney nodded and we both got ready to fight. As in we stood next to the door while freaking out to each other.

"On the count of three." I whispered and Courtney nodded.




"Well, well, well look what we have here." Someone said from the other side of the room. Our heads moved quickly and in sync as we looked. Ashton fucking Irwin with a water gun similar to ours.

"How'd you get in?" Courtney asked. I knew she was afraid. That was the worst thing, because she's never afraid. We used to go to haunted houses or watch scary movies and she never let out a scream. Here she was, almost on the brink of crying.

"The window?" Shit. I forgot to lock the window. He wasn't joking either, the window was wide open.

"We aren't go-" Courtney started but was stopped as Ashton drenched her. He at least used half of the gun, spraying her face and clothes. Not in my room....

"Go on without me!" She screamed and fell to the ground. Ashton was about to shoot at me but I took this moment to escape. Since the window was wide open, I jumped. The wind pushed my hair back as I fell. The usual warm Australia air this time of the year was freezing. When I landed I was happy to find that I landed on a bush. I knew it was there.

"Scarlett?!" Ashton screamed as he looked out of the window. His eyes scanned the ground before landing on me.

"Are you trying to kill yourself??!" He yelled from my window, brushing a hand through his hair. Ashton was sexy when he was mad. Sorry not sorry.

"Come get me!" I yelled as I started down the path. As my bare feet hit along the ground I noticed how out of shape I was. I hadn't even noticed because all I'd done this week was decorate and watch movies.

I made it a few blocks before slowing down. It was completely silent, yet loud. From a distance I saw a city, but also a park. Which one? Not taking much time to think, I chose the park. It was closer anyway.

I took a quick look behind me to find no one was coming. My feet were aching so I just started walking. The park was coming up and to be honest I was freaked out. The trees around it were large, burrowing and tall. I felt like I was in some horror movie. I reached the park to only sit down in a swing.

This was a stupid idea. I don't know how to get back now...

Damn it

Damn it

Damn it!

Whoever came up with this was an idiot. Yet I can't blame them for trying to have fun.

"Scarlett!?" Someone shouted from a few yards away. It was Ashton!

"Scarlett come out please. I won't get you too wet!" He yelled. So this game was still going? Well then I guess I'll finish it, here and now.

Sorry this was short!!! I had fun writing it :). Until tomorrow~Em

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