Part 2; "it's been too long"

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No, Tony and you were not 'official'. But yes, you were exclusive. He decided it'd be better off to not let anyone find out about you two, at least for now. He knew he'd never hear the end of it, being with someone so much younger.

You and Tony hadn't had sex since that night you confronted him in his lab but you had fun teasing him. He was always so busy, you had school work, Peter was always at your side, and everyone was always around so it was hard to be discreet. You enjoyed watching him struggle to contain himself in front of everyone. You'd playfully sit on his lap while everyone was in the living room and he'd try his best to try and keep and straight face and make it look like he wasn't enjoying what you were doing. You wore a very revealing shirt at dinner with Steve, Bruce, Natasha, and Rhodey once. You were busy saying something funny, leaning over the table and Tony had a perfect view. Steve had to snap him out of his daze and got a confused look.

It had been two weeks since the incident and Tony couldn't get you out of his mind. You two would sneak kisses in the halls but would quickly pull away when you heard someone coming. Peter was always by your side so you could never be alone with Tony. And Tony always had things to do. Of course, if you were public about your relationship, Tony would easily have time for you, but because you didn't want anyone to know, it made things more difficult.

You found yourself in your room, hunched over your desk, trying to figure this Chemistry homework out. You really needed to pass this class even though it has nothing to do with your major. Your door was swung open invitingly and Steve made his way inside.

He sat on your bed, leaning over to try and help you figure out your work, but he was really no help at all. It was sweet though, he had been trying his hardest to figure this out with you. "Well, how are you supposed to use numbers and letters together? Just get rid of those letters."

"Steve, I can't just 'get rid' of them."

About 30 minutes later Tony walked by in the hall and Steve called out, "Stark!"

Tony walked backwards so he was standing at your doorway, "You rang, Cap?" He smirked, giving you a subtle wink.

Steve stood up, "Can you help Y/N with her homework? I think it's more up your alley."

He leaned against the doorframe, twisting the pen he held in his hand around, "I'm kinda busy, go find Banner to do your babysitting." His hair was neatly slicked back, his face stern yet you could see the softness in his eyes. He wore a black snug t-shirt over a rolled up long sleeve white one. His muscles were shinning through and you thanked the heavens for his tight outfit choice. His pants were snug and fitting, his legs crossed as he cooly leaned against your door.

Steve shook his head, "He's not even at the tower right now. Comon', she really needs help and I'm feeling guilty for actually making it worse."

"How'd you manage that?" Tony asked.
Steve glared at him. Tony playfully raised his hands up in defeat walking into the room, "Yeah, fine, whatever. But she better make it quick."

He strode over to you, Steve getting up and leaving, apologizing to you as he left.

"Whatcha' working on, kid?" Tony questioned as he looked over your body at the work spread across your desk.

You rolled your eyes. His hand was now resting on the desk as he leaned over you, his eyes focused on the problems.

"Oh, fun!" He said rubbing his hands together, "Get up, this is easy." He said nudging you out of your chair so he could sit at your desk. "You're just combining compounds." As if that was easy. He began scribbling away at your paper, mumbling how he was solving the problems but you weren't really paying attention. You sat back at your desk, watching him as he focused.

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