Part 4; Caught.

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You felt yourself slowly coming into consciousness, you could feel the warmth of your bed beneath you. The sun was shinning in through the window and dancing across your face. You peered your eyes open and realized you were in your bedroom and you scrunched up your tired eyes in confusion.

When did I get here? You pondered, didn't I fall asleep in Tony's car last night? I don't remember ever leaving.

You came to the realization that you must have fallen asleep, curled up in Tony's lap as he rubbed his hands on your back and you had yours locked onto his hair, He must have then carried you back to your room. You always had been a heavy sleeper so it explains why you didn't wake up to that. You wish you had woken up with Tony laying beside you but you both knew it wouldn't be smart to have him sleep in your room, especially since Peter knows no boundaries and could easily catch the two of you.

You sat up in your bed and made your way to go to take a shower. You thought about the fight Tony and Cap had got into last night and you felt your heart sink. You knew you had to continue hiding your relationship, at least for the time being. Steve was close to you and you knew you'd get a stern talking to soon but you didn't want to think about that right now. You were confident in the fact that only Steve knew of you and Tony, he would never spread this information around, especially since it made him so mad.

You sighed getting out of the shower and got dressed for the day. You dried your hair and made your way down to the kitchen. You didn't pass a single person on your way there and it made you concerned. You swung the fridge open and caught it with your foot, pulling out some orange juice.

"Afternoon, cutie," You heard Tony mumble behind you as his hands slid around your waist.

Your gloomy mood suddenly turned around and you turned to face him, his arms still loosely clung around you. "Hey" you chirped as you kicked the fridge door closed with your foot. He leaned in and placed a soft and lingering kiss on your lips. You felt your cheeks heat up and pulled away to walk around him. You placed your orange juice on the counter and poured yourself a glass.

"Where is everyone?" You asked as you took a seat on top of the counter, Tony walking over to you and placing his hands on either side of you. "Mission. Got called out early this morning."

You set your glass down. "Mission? Why didn't you tell me? We could have gone!"

"Didn't want to wake you, doll. Don't worry, it wasn't anything interesting. Plus, if we had gone, we wouldn't have had the whole compound to ourselves," He hovered his face closely to yours, "and I wouldn't have been able to do this," and he placed another kiss on your lips, his arms grabbing your waist and sliding you on the counter closer to him.

You melted into his kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck. He pushed his body into you, trying to get as close as he could. You were intoxicating to him. He couldn't seem to get enough of you. His hands began roaming your body, feeling your curves beneath his fingertips made his heart flutter. You felt his warm hands dragging across your icy skin sending shivers up your spine.

You slid off the counter so you were leaning against it now, Tony's body pressed against yours. You were on your tip toes as he bent slightly over, kissing you deeper. You wanted this forever. To be able to kiss him in the kitchen and not worry about someone walking in. To have him ravish you whenever he pleased, not concerned about anyone else but the both of you. You pushed those thoughts to the back of your mind because they were going to make you sad, instead you focused on the gorgeous man who was currently yanking your shirt off.

You reached your arms up and allowed him to pull off the shirt you just put on. He stood back a bit, gawking at your beautiful body. You blushed and reached down to the seam of his tight t-shirt and tugged it up over his head. His hands rested on your exposed hips as you let yours drag down his torso.

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