Part 5; "You cant keep hiding this forever."

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A few days had past since you and Tony almost got caught. He left the compound the next day on some business duty with the company. You found yourself in Peter's room, as usual, and were sprawled out on his floor. Peter sat beside you, his controller in his hand.

"Comon', play another round!" He said nudging your shoulder. You had thrown your controller across the room in defeat and decided you were done getting angry at video games.

"Nah, I think I'm done for now." You mumbled, closing you eyes. Peter shrugged and put his controller down and spun on the carpet to face you.

"So," Peter started, his hands played nervously in his lap, "What's up with you and Mr. Stark?"

Your eyes opened and your eyebrows furrowed, "What do you mean?" You asked, not wanting to accidentally reveal anything he didn't know.

"I don't know," he breathed out, taking a moment to form his thoughts. "You just- you've been acting weird since that night that Cap and Stark got in a fight, and you chased after him. And now I can't stop thinking about when you said he might like you, and ugh!" His knees came up to his face and he buried his head in them, wanting to get rid of the thought of Tony having a crush on his best friend.

Everyone knew Tony thought of Peter as his son. He loved him like one and it was easy to tell. Peter didn't like the idea of his father figure liking his best friend who was the same age as him. He didn't even want to bring this up. He figured he was just over-analyzing everything but the only way he'd be able to get this out of his mind was to have you shut down these wild thoughts.

You gulped bringing your hands up to cover your face. You knew you could trust Peter, he was your best friend and someone you told everything to. He's seen you have breakdowns, he's seen you cry, he's seen you through all your embarrassing moments, but you didn't know how he was going to take this. Peter never thought anyone was good for you, and now that you were with Tony, someone who was like a father to him, you couldn't imagine how he would he take that all in.

Your heart hurt keeping this from him for so long and you realized you had to tell him. You took a deep breath in and you felt it get caught in your throat.

"Peter..." you quietly mumbled, and all the hope he had that this wasn't as it seemed left. He knew what you were about to tell him and his face tensed up.

"You have to promise to not get mad at me..." your voice was timid and quiet.

You looked at Peter and his attitude changed, "I won't," he told you convincingly.

Your eyes looked at the ceiling as he watched you, "And you have to promise to stay-" you lost your breath at the idea of saying these words. You felt a tear fall down your cheek, "You have to promise to stay my friend and not leave me." You words were slurred as tears kept rolling. Peter grabbed your hand and held it in his. The reality of saying that out loud hurt your heart. You knew better than to think that Peter would stop being your friend over this, but you couldn't help but constantly having it run through your mind. You knew how much he loved Tony and how pissed off he would be when he found out you were with him.

"Y/N..." he voice was hurt, "I would never."
You explained to him how you've been seeing Tony for a few weeks now and everything that's been happening.

You looked over at him for his response, "You know I love you to pieces, Y/N. Of course I'm confused at this whole," he waved a hand around, "situation, but I care about you too much to let something like that ruin our friendship."

You smiled as you wiped away your tears. You sat up and Peter pulled you into his arms. You sat there, a soft sob escaping your lips and Peter held you close.

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