Part 6; Epilogue.

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You stared at yourself in the mirror, anxiously fixing your hair. You turned to the side and examined your dress, not sure if this was the one you should go with or not. You frantically pulled another from your closet and held it up to your body trying to see if it would look more presentable. You threw it down in frustration and sighed seeing your cheeks flustered in your reflection.

You spotted a dark figure move from behind you as Tony came up and wrapped his arms around you. He rested his head on your shoulder, both of you making eye contact in the mirror. "Don't stress so much, babe, you look perfect as always." He tried to sooth your nerves, but he knew it wouldn't help much.

Your hands came up and rested on his and you watched Tony tilt his head and kiss your cheek. You let out a hard breath, "I just- I can't seem to calm down." You complained.
Tony moved from his place wrapped around you and turned you towards him. "It's going to be fine! If anything, I should be the one shitting myself. How old are your parents again?"

You rolled your eyes, "Barely fifty."

"Right... only a bit older... great." He mumbled and you couldn't help but giggle. Tony looked at you and chuckled himself, "We are quite a pair."

He kissed your forehead again, "I'll be by your side the whole time, everything will be okay. And if not, I got my suit on me so I'll be able to blast out of there." He joked.

You playfully slapped his arm, "There's no way in hell you're ditching, no matter how bad it gets in there!"

Tony smiled happily at you as he shuffled his hand in his pocket. You watched him as he pulled out a simple necklace with a little diamond encrusted heart. Your eyes widened as he motioned you to turn around. You did as he wanted and lifted your hair up off your neck. You felt Tony's fingers fiddle with the lock and felt chills fill your body. You felt the necklace go loose as he let go and you looked at it in the mirror. "Tony..." You mumbled, your fingers tracing along it. "You didn't have to get me anything."

"So, you don't like it?"

You turned around to him, "No! I love it!"

He smiled brightly, "Good. I want everyone to know you're mine."

Tony's always cheeky attitude helped calm your nerves. Today was your twentieth birthday and your parents were throwing you a party and insisted you brought your new boyfriend. Of course you weren't embarrassed by Tony, he was every girl's dream: rich, handsome, super smart, and a superhero. You were just worried because of the age gap. When you and Tony decided things were serious between the two of you and you weren't going to mess around in secret, you told the other Avengers. Surprisingly, Steve took it alright, but you knew your parents were different from Steve.

"You sure you don't want me to go with you?" Tony asked, seeing how nervous you were to have to tell your best friend Steve about who you were dating.

"No, I need to do this alone."

Tony sighed but nodded his head, placing a quick kiss on your cheek. You walked out of Tony's room and made your way down the hall. After a quick walk you were face to face with Steve's bedroom door. You felt Tony's presence following behind but you ignored it. You gulped, Steve's door already slightly open. You felt your body go cold as you lightly knocked on the door, "Steve?"

"Come in," he called to you. You dreadfully pushed open the door and turned around to see Tony leaning against the opposite wall in the hall. You weren't surprised that he followed you and couldn't wait alone in his room. You gave a weak smile and closed the door.

"What's up?" Steve asked you as you made your way to his bed. He was sat on the edge, rummaging through a bin of movies on his lap that Sam told him to watch.

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