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WARNING; following content contains sexual content that are unsuitable for children.

At the break of dawn, Hao Ming slowly opened his eyes as he stared at the beautiful lady lying beside him, she had a blissful look on her face as she clung onto his arm. It was at this moment, he fully grasped the meaning of living in simplicity as long as his love ones are by his side.

Hao Ming smiled as he reached over and caressed her head gently, before slowly slipping away. He had to return to Fu Wang village and follow his man back, he slipped away like the wind of the dawn, silent and unnoticeable.

"Master, this servant has something urgent to report!" Fodoré who was ordered to return back to the imperial city, bowed deeply towards the man in front of him.

"You useless shit! speak." Fu Yue Long forced the words out of his mouth, utterly angered by the uselessness of these people who failed to accomplish anything.

"The eighth prince... He is at the imperial city's gate!" He reported, as a person now under the eighth prince he had managed to delay the message and thus helped Hao Ming to successfully arrive at the imperial city without much hindrance.

The hands on the sides of Fu Yue Long, slowly clenched up. He was certain to make sure it would be difficult for Fu Hao Ming to come back before the rain calling ceremony yet, how had he managed to settle everything so quickly!?

Grabbing the pot of tea on the table, he hurled it across the room. The broken piece of ceramic laid across the room, as the servants near him all got on their knees trying to appease his anger. Holding in their pain, as some had kneeled onto the broken pieces of ceramic.

"USELESS FOOLS!" his anger had almost drove him into insanity. But be slowly composed himself, as an evil smirk plastered on his face. Yet he didn't know, even before his plan could be placed into action he was already made to fail.

Fu Hao Ming entered into the imperial capital, and directly headed towards the palace. To announce his return to his majesty, and to also discuss about his findings to him. His soldiers followed behind him, before they were released back to the training quarters of the soldiers.

Inside the court hall, there was no one but His Majesty, his trusted eunuch and Hao Ming. Hao Ming had prepared to kneel and greet His Majesty, but was plainly stopped by him. Hao Ming looked at this father of his, before he felt a surge of warmth to fill him.

He was not the best father, but he was a loving one.

Hao Ming then reached towards his sleeve and took out a letter, His Majesty looked at the eunuch and had him bring forth the letter. Upon reading, His Majesty eyebrows furrowed and the squinted his eyes dangerously at the letter in front of him. Before he sighed, closed his eyes and nodded his head.

Solemnly, Hao Ming bowed his head and cupped his hands just like any other civil servants of His Majesty. He turned and left soon after that, missing the soft and tired words of His Majesty.

"Maybe, i had really failed..." Soft enough that only the eunuch by his side could hear it, who pretended like he hadn't.

A welcome back banquet was proposed by the officials who wanted to get the support of the Eighth Prince. His Majesty, thinking of all the unpleasant memories agreed to it hoping it would lightened the atmosphere or rather his heart.

Hao Ming in the middle of the night, sneaked into the Chen Manor yet again. His beautiful eyes, lingered on the snow beauty who was resting. Her soft features and calm breathing, was like a lullaby calming his heart down.

Noticing a presence, Jing Yi opened her eyes. But instead of the evil ones she thought she'd be met with, it instead was the eyes belonging to the man she decided to show her vulnerability, the eyes she deeply adored that only held love and indulgence for her.

In an instant, Hao Ming was on the bed while Jing Yi was on his lap. His big hand lightly caressed her head, as his other hand had ambiguously wrapped around her chest. Startling Jing Yi, to a certain extend.

"Have you heard about the upcoming banquet?" He asked softly, as he breathed in her scent.

"En" She hummed a reply, melting into his embrace, yet squirming every time his indecent hand did something.

"Can I get engaged to you there?" He asked like a lost child.


"Will you stay with me forever?" He asked again, like a spoilt child.

"En, if you don't throw me away first I will always stay with you." She replied smiling softly, yet she hadn't expect so quickly that everything would change.

She looked back at Hao Ming, as soon as their eyes met Hao Ming had hungrily leaned forward and captured her lips. Sneakily and successfully inserting his tongue into her mouth, they kissed passionately as desire and lust controlled them.

Strings of silvery threads could be seen as they parted from each other, before she could rationalise and think. Hao Ming's lips were already on her jaw, neck and collarbone. His hands fiddling with her slightly exposed bosom.

Breathy and long sighs of pleasure escaped her lips as she grabbed onto his shoulders tightly, feeling embarrassed and sinful. Yet, unable to stop. The heat from his body that managed to warm her cold body, stirred her desire. She wants to be completely wrapped in this warm heat.

It wasn't before long that they were both bare to each other. Hao Ming swallowed his thirst, as he admire the beautiful lady lying in front of him. Such a gorgeous picture.

He leaned forward as he whispered, "If you want to stop, lets stop now and sleep. If you don't want to stop, I will never let you off tonight."

"D-don't stop" she whispered back feeling extremely exposed and flustered.

"I'm sorry that we are not doing this after marriage, but i will take responsibility. Let get married, on the next auspicious day." Hao Ming breathlessly whispered into Jing Yi's ear, before he had slowly insert himself into her.

In the Chen manor, there was absolute silent except for the constant pounding sound and the muffled and breathy moans. Aside from that everything was normal.

Hao Ming had his hand over Jing Yi's lip, concealing all her breathy and erotic moans as he continued his synced motion. Before reaching their ecstasy together. Jing Yi's eyes were lucidly opened with slight tears in them, Hao Ming tightened before he apologised and continued till the break of dawn. Reluctantly stopping, he comforted the angered princess in his arm as he kissed her cheeks.

"Never again." She said angrily, yet a sweet undertone could be heard. And of course, this 'never again' happened really soon shortly after.

Y'all i'm so unlucky, to have my birthday and exam fall on the same day tomorrow. Moreover it's pure geography and i cant with plate tectonics😢 ANYWAYS, this is my birthday gift to you guys i hope you enjoyed! I still have exams so i would not be updating, but my exams would be over soon!

This story is also reaching its end soon! Cant wait HEHE

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