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Hope's POV

Today starts my first day of my senior year. I was unbelievably excited for it. I actually enjoyed school, unlike most of the entire world.

I had been a straight A student for as long I can remember. I always been 'gifted' and being in school allowed me to express that I guess.

"Hope, if you don't relax, I swear you're head is going to explode." My best friend, Alexis Strahan, giggled as she placed a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry. I'm just really excited." I smiled, shrugging her hand off my shoulder.

"Well could you not express it while you're driving?! I'd like to keep my life." My other best friend, Kaiden Jones, yelled.

"Okay. Damn. No need to yell." I sent a glare his way through the mirror.

He groaned as he went back to whatever he was doing on his phone. I sighed.

"Who do you have for first period again?" Alexis asked.

"Lexi, for the millionth time, I have Ms. Baker... with you!"

"Right. She's a bitch anyway." She shrugged.

I gasped. "What the fuck? She is not!" I defended.

"She's not to you because you're a goody two shoes." She smirked.

I groaned. I mean, I am a goody two shoes but I honestly can not stand when people call me one. It gets on my last fucking nerve.

I heard my little brother, Aiden, laugh in the backseat. He was so damn quiet on the way here that I almost forgot that he was in the car with us!

"Whatever." I said as I pulled into a parking spot at Franklin High School.

"Hurry up, I'm ready to get inside. It's hot as fuck." I said as I got out my car, waiting on Lexi, Kaiden, and Aiden.

"Chill out." Kaiden thumped my forehead as I got out as well. I flipped him off and locked my car once I saw that everyone was out and had shut their doors.

We all started walking into the school. I saw mostly familiar faces, although they're were a few I didn't recognize. Freshmen. I watched as Aiden went off to join a group of them.

"Sup Hope?" One of the football players called out me as I was walking through the halls.

I wasn't exactly popular but a lot of people knew me from me being involved with a lot of the stuff this school had to offer. Last year, I was head of three different clubs and I was the class president.

This year though, I decided not to involve myself with as much stuff. I thought that I should just relax a little bit this year and let things just happen, I guess.

"Catch you later, I've got to go to bitchy Brown's class." Kaiden said and took a turn down the hallway to our left.

Bitchy Brown is one of the English teachers and she didn't get that name for no reason. She was quite literally a bitch. She disliked every student that she's ever taught. Even me and that's saying something.

Me and Alexis continued walking for a bit before reaching Ms. Baker's class. I walked in first and she looked over to me and smiled.

"Nice to see you, Hope!"

"Nice to see you too, Ms. Baker." I smiled back.

Whenever Lexi walked in though, Ms. Baker's smile dropped.

"Nice to see you too, Ms. Baker." Lexi gave a fake smile. Me. Baker didn't look in the least bit entertained.

I found a seat in the front, left side of the room. Alexis sat beside me, next to the wall. "See, what'd I tell you? A bitch!" She muttered.

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