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Hope's POV

It had been about a little over a month since Billie had stayed over, meaning it was now October 12th. Throughout the month I had found myself trying to find any excuse to hang out with Billie. There was just something about her but I just didn't know what it was exactly.

Nothing much had happened between the two of us despite the events that happened that day. We may have shared a few kisses since then but that was it for the most part.

I now had five or six tardies in all, meaning I wouldn't be exempt from any of my tests. Two years ago, to be exempt you had to have an A and three or less absences to be exempt. Or for a B, you could only miss two or less days. But they changed it to not only did you have to have the grade and not miss more than two or three days, but you couldn't have more than five tardies. Goodbye to that I guess.

I honestly can't recall a time that I wasn't exempt for a test, so this was definitely a first. But if I was being honest, as long as I got to hang out with Billie, it was worth it.

Speaking of, I'm hanging out Billie right now. We was shopping for Halloween costumes. Yes, I know that we're both seventeen and 'we're too old for Halloween costumes' or whatever the fuck but I don't care. Don't hate.

Billie had, for some reason, agreed to match with me. I brought it up last week. It went a little like this.

"So Halloween is coming up." I said as we shuffled to the parking lot of the school. It was the end of the day and I had been riding with Billie to and from school for about two weeks now.

"Mhmm. I know." She said simply.

We reached her car and she walked over to the passenger door and opened it for me, smiling softly. I smiled back and got into her car. She walked around the car and got into the car herself.

"I'm going to Drew's Halloween party. Every year, people talk about how cool it is and how into the spirit people get with their costumes. I want to see what it's like, seeing how it's probably my last chance." I explained.

She nodded her head. "Then I'll be going too."

I felt my lips tug into a huge smile. "Really? What're you gonna wear?"

She shrugged, backing out of the school. I perked up at that. "Yo, we should like... match or some shit." I chuckled a little.

She scoffed. "As if."

I pouted. "Aww come on. We could be like... the two hottest bitches there if we'd match."

She stopped at the red light and turned to look at me. "Do you really wanna match?"
I nodded eagerly, my smile returning. "Well what we even be?"

I thought for a moment. I honestly didn't think I'd get this far. "I'm not sure, but we can look and see what our options are."

She smiled softly. "Sounds like a plan mamas."

So here we are, shopping for Halloween costumes. We had been here for a good two hours and still no luck.

Billie smirked as picked up a costume and held it in front of me. "This would be hot."

"Billie." I sighed. "For the last time, I'm not going as a 'sexy apple', whatever the hell that is."

She groaned. "Then what're we gonna wear, baby?"

I let out a groan of my own. "I honestly don't know. Let's go look around one more time."

She frowned but grabbed my hand and dragged me to the first aisle of costumes. We continued looking until I saw something that caught my eyes. I let go of Billie's hand and picked up the two costumes.

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