strange boy

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I woke up to loud rain hitting on my window in my worn out cabin-like house.

I looked at the time. 6:00am appeared on my small clock hanging on the wall across from my bed.

I groaned remembering I had to arrive at the shop at 7 sharp.

I hopped out of bed and grabbed my red and white plaid skirted uniform. we have nice uniforms for such a small coffee shop. I slipped my body into it and put on my brown worn out cow girl boots.

I went into my bathroom. I brushed my teeth and my hair. making sure my bangs were in place. I put on mascara and bright red lipstick to match my uniform.

I put a beige-colored rain coat over my shoulders and grabbed an umbrella.

I made my way to the shop letting out a long sigh as I closed the creaky door making the bell ring quietly.

I smiled at Liam and turned the closed sign to open.

I made my way to the counter and sat there. another long day of very few costumers and calming but loud rain.

I listened to the soothing jazz music of the shop with my eyes closed and my head resting in the palm of my hand.

That is, until I heard the bell of the creaky door. I shot my eyes open to see a man of a tall frame and many layers of clothes.

He took off his top hat and hung it on a hook along with his jacket and a scarf exposing his messy curls.

He made eye contact with me which caused me to sit up straight and smoothen my uniform with my hands.

"Excuse me?" the man coughed out, as if he was trying to get my attention.

I wasn't sure what to do. this was all so new to me. I had never seen such a dashing man. this man was truly beautiful. I don't know if he was beautiful in the heart but he was, no doubt about it, absolutely gorgeous on the outside.

I cleared my throat and tried to put on a decent looking smile.

"Um yes... how may I help you?" I said quit nervously. I don't know what it is about this man but he makes me nervous. this strange feeling in the pit of my stomach as he looks down at me with his emerald eyes. wow.

Just wow.

I hadn't noticed he had ordered until he cleared his throat.

"Um yes I'm sorry what was that?" I flushed with embarrassment. "just the regular." I nodded and he went to find a seat.

I turned to Liam and let out a breath that felt like I had been holding for so long. He wiggled his eyebrows and I rolled my eyes. "he wants the regular" I told Liam. and we both scrunched our faces knowing how plain the taste is.

Liam finished making the coffee and I brought it to the table he was sitting at.

I couldn't help but notice a small notepad he had been writing in. great. this just makes things harder for me. I have to try to get his attention.

"Um sir?" I asked awkwardly. "just call me harry" he caught me by surprise by telling me his name. that was not expected.

"Yes, Harry," I grinned as the name escaped my lips. I like that name. "here's your coffee." I said as i sat it a few inches away from his large hands. He smiled at me and I couldn't help but fluster. this man, I mean...Harry. was so darl.

"enjoy" I said and walked away slowly and went back behind the counter. I looked over in his direction to see him doing the same towards me. he smiled and went back to writing in his notepad. I flushed and looked down at my hands.

yeah I'm sorry it's short! it'll get better once I get more experienced with this thing called writing lol. I really hope you enjoyed. please comment ideas! anything helps! bye loves.

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