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hey y'all! it's maddieeee!

I'm watching American Horror Story while I'm writing this so sorry if it's bad.


-Chapter Three-

I woke up.

but I didn't open my eyes.

I heard talking.

"zayn. I'm sorry mate, I just can't believe that she fell to the ground crying for no reason." I think that was Harry's voice.

"yeah, you've had to do something to make her so upset." another voice said. yet, it's a voice that I haven't heard. and it wasn't british. I think it was Irish, or Swedish, I have no clue.

"I didn't do anything to her! please. how can you not believe me?! have I ever lied to you?!" I heard crying. it was zayn for sure.

I decided it was time to show them that I'm awake.

I opened my eyes and they immediately reacted.

Harry ran to me while someone else ran out of the room, probably to tell a doctor, and everyone else just stared at me.

"hey! there you are! I was afraid you were never going to wake up!" Harry chirped. as if trying to lighten up the mood. but that last sentence was definitely the last thing I wanted to hear.

to be honest, it hurt. but I hid the hurt with a smile.

and that's when a nurse walked in. "Dr. Ardin is here to see you." I sat up right.

that's when a very tall bald man walked in.

"hey there, so according to the information from these files, you're as healthy as a new born baby. Well... At least physically, for now." the doctor said as he held a clipboard looking at it with concentration.

"um what exactly happened to me?" I asked, looking down at my hands.

"you simply passed out. we checked and it definitely wasn't out of dehydration. have you been stressed lately?"

I shook my head no.

"do you have a bad past that you were perhaps thinking about?"

I closed my eyes to stop the tears from taking control over me again.

when he noticed my dead still body language he responded to it.

"ah yes, you see, flashbacks are memories of past traumas. They may take the form of pictures, sounds, smells, body sensations, feelings, or the lack of them. you could relate to that as numbness.

you say you have a bad past, if you were thinking of your past, you prefer to it as a flashback. Many times there is no actual visual or auditory memory with flashbacks. One may have a sense of panic, of being trapped, or a feeling of powerlessness with no memory stimulating it. when we panic or start to get scared our breathing hitches and starts to become uneven. Once that happens it can get to the point where you don't know you're not breathing. and that's when your brain steps in. its doesn't know how to respond to this activity so it decides to shut down, losing conscience. flashbacks can get so bad that you feel the panic in the present as it did feel during the crisis. that's why you need to learn to get out of them. how to cope with them. tell yourself you're in a flashback. think of others things, surround yourself with people you love, watch your favorite films, or play your favorite games."

I sat there listening. I was so into what he was saying that I was caught off guard when he stopped talking.

"so in this case, you need to stay with your family-" I cut him off. "my family is all the way in California there's no way I'll be able to afford to get there."

"we can help" zayn said. the other boys nodded in agreement. I shook my head. "no there's no way I'm going to let you do that." I said. "it's really not that big of a deal just let u-" Harry started. but I cut him off too. "NO! I'm not going to accept it. I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing you could've given that money to the less fortunate or to someone you love or to spoil that special someone! I'm not going to let y'all waste it on me. I'm worthless" I didn't notice I was crying until that last word left my lips.

"seriously Dallas it's f-"

"I said no!" I yelled.

"well then at least let me help. you can stay with me, Louis, and zayn."

"whoever said I needed your help?! you've already done enough with bringing me here." I started to get up. "besides I can find somewhere to go with someone I actually LOVE." I said the last word loud. Dr.Ardin did say I had to go somewhere with people I love. and I don't love harry. so why should I go with him?

as I was talking I grabbed the clothes sitting on a table in the room I was in. I started to change. yes in front of them. the only thing I had on was a gown and my undergarments. I put the jeans on under the gown and managed to get the shirt on without them seeing my bra. I grabbed the shoes I wore yesterday and the dress and my purse and left the room with no words.

damn you with your perfect emerald eyes.

so sorry that it's really short.
thank you Muke_Cake_Lashton122
for mentioning me in your story. ❤️❤️

anyways hope y'all enjoyed and the next chapter will probably come tomorrow because I'm sick and ill be really bored.

so yeah

bye lovesss.

If you want to become one of my friends you can kik me: maddyh13

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