Love as synonym of spirituality

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How Krishna and Radha taught the world the way to love?

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How Krishna and Radha taught the world the way to love?

Before continuing this one shot I want to make it clear that while writting this story I am not considering Lord Krishna and Radha as incarnation of Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi. Neither am I considering Lord Krishna as the supreme God and Radha as his form but I will write it in form of story of two normal lovers who became divine because the beauty and purity of their love.

And last but not the least Very Happy Teacher's Day.

Love a sentiment that basically controls all aspects of relationship. But when it comes to showcase the beauty of love The couple who is worshipped all over the world are Lord Krishna and Devi Radha. A pair that never tied the knot. A love that never reached it's destination with marriage.

Radha and Krishna. There are so many variations of this relationship. To some they are God and Goddess of Love, to others they were a couple who loved and lost each other very soon.

This time I am writting the story of a cowherd whose heart beated for a girl who had given her everything to service him forever.

It is said that Krishna can only be conquered by Love. What did Radha do that Krishna was completely surrendered to her and what was so special in Krishna that Radha was ready to give up all the limitations for his pleasure.

That is the point from where there love story starts according to me. This love and surrender that bonded them together for eternities to come. For Radha Shri Krishna was just Krishna a cowherd boy she loved. She loved him for no reason actually. To her, his happiness was the soul aim of her life. She would get up to see him again ,sleep so that she can see him again. Took his name all the time in her mind and heart. She readied herself to see his smile. She would give up all her ornaments again to see him smile.

Radha's love was farthest from attachment. Attachment binds and love sets free. Radha's love set her free from the realms of physicality, social limitations and also her own desire. Physicality is when the attraction is between bodies. But between Radha and Krishna nothing like that existed. For Radha and Krishna they had come so far above the existence of bodies that it simply wasn't there between them.

It is said that Krishna was very attractive but when he cast his eyes on Radha her innocence, and her selflessness completely attracted her towards him. Krishna could do anything to please Radha, be it becoming thieve, be it becoming woman. He himself and his identity, it was totally surendered to Radha. 

Radha on the other hand had no problem when she would see Krishna with other gopis. It was because she knew that Krishna's love for her, his loyalty could never be questioned. Krishna on the other hand would say no matter where I am, who I am with, I will always belong to Radha.

They together taught the world acceptance, and belonging

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They together taught the world acceptance, and belonging. No matter what destiny brought to them especially when shri Krishna has to leave for Mathura, Radha didn't stop him, because she wanted to become his biggest strength. A voice that will always give him support. Like conscience. May be That's why Radha and Krishna are now considered as one. On the other hand Krishna showed the world that no matter where and whenever Radha will call upon him he would never be apart from Radha.

All though Krishna went to Dwarka and settled there , his love for Radha never ceased. Similarly to become Krishna's strength Radha never shaded tears. She knew very well that her tear would soften and distract Krishna from his path to establishment of goodness and religion.

Krishna on the other hand wanted to be good for Radha, wanted to be the best person ever so Radha could feel satisfied that her Krishna was able to help others.

Their love teaches the world both selflessness and lack of self. Radha's happiness was Krishna's smile and Krishna's happiness was Radha's satisfaction .

They didn't marry each other and we seldom hear people saying that they didn't marry because they were one. That oneness they achieved because they totally dedicated their lives to the other. To the point that his life become hers and her life become his. That was why we say that Radha became Krishna and Krishna became Radha.

In the Love of Radha and Krishna there was no expectations, no demands, no complaints and no need to own or possess. Instead of expectations there was self surrender, instead of demands there was need to please, instead of complaints there was acceptance. (With or without flaws since they didn't care), instead of ownership they both sat each other free in the path of both their duties. And after all of that they lived each other's life to the point that they become the biggest example of non duality. This was the victory of their love.

In today's world when a man or a woman loose each other or their first love, first crush, first boyfriend or next one or whatever they are ready to end their life. They should understand from the relation of Radha and Krishna that love doesn't always mean to win or finally acquire. It is more of an act to set each other free and live their happiness as they soar high in the sky. In such conditions love is never lost. Relationship never becomes corrosive. The second we loose the sense of self we become souls and As Krishna says in Bhagwad Gita:-

 The second we loose the sense of self we become souls and As Krishna says in Bhagwad Gita:-

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*Soul is immortal and follows no rules in the world. It's a part of God.*

That soulful love is God. May be that's why we say. God is love.


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