mujhko kya soch aur bhay

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Written on the occasion of Arjun's bday.

Krishna and Arjun, they shared many relationships with each other

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Krishna and Arjun, they shared many relationships with each other. They were best friends. They were soulmates as it's evident by the lines Krishna says to Arjun that they both have taken many births together and further Krishna says that he remembers all of them and Arjun has forgotten them. They were the pair of Aradhya and devotee. It is said that Arjun not just respected Krishna's words but he was willing to follow them blindly and such trust was the base of their friendship.

It was few days before Kurukshetra battle when both Arjun and Duryodhan had went to Lord Krishna to ask for his support in the upcoming battle. The story is known to everyone that Arjun selected Lord Krishna weaponless instead of his Narayani sena the deadliest combination of Army in the universe at that time.

What is special is even after that on the actual battle of kurukshetra Arjun is not afraid, scared or terrified because he was afraid of loosing. Arjun not even ones doubted his victory. He knew with Lord Krishna on his side he would win for certain. Arjun was afraid of winning. That's one thing we all should learn from Arjun that with God on his side Victory is always ours but for that we have to trust God like Arjun did irrevocably, blindly and with no doubts in his mind.

What Arjun was afraid of was to raise weapons against his relatives. He didn't wanted victory if it comes at the cost of hurting his people the ones he called his own.

The question that generally arises in my mind is if Arjun had that much faith on Krishna , why don't Krishna just ordered Arjun to attack because he said so instead of giving him this long knowledge about RELIGION, Bhakti, Yog, Satya and Asatya. If Arjun anyways believed Krishna what was the need of showing Virat Swaroop then??

I think when devotee has that much faith on God , sometimes even God wants to prove his worthiness in front of devotee. If Krishna had said Arjun had undeniably followed his words but even Krishna wanted Arjun to know and understand that with Krishna at his side he won't let his friend/devotee wander from the right path. If Arjun has no problem surrendering his own will to Krishna then how can Krishna hide his true self from Arjun.

Anyways back to topic Gita showcase the struggle of a soul to identify right from wrong in the battle of life. Arjun is soul that has to weigh over attachment, false relations, expectations etc and always choose the greater good out of the options given.

When Arjun drops his gandeev and his hands are trembling to raise weapons against people he considers his own Krishna guides him by giving him a clear focus and making him understand the greater good of the universe.

Krishna shows him that he is the medium with which the Dharma will get the chance of upliftment. He shows Arjun that God stands with Dharma and faith. It was love of Lord Krishna for Arjun that he imparted everything he learnt to Arjun so he can see him rise and fight for the right of everyone concerned. On the other hand it was faith of Arjun on Lord Krishna that continuously encouraged him to move forward in his life and in the battle of Kurukshetra.

To me Arjun and Krishna are like two phases of same coin. One is soul other is conscience. One is path other is  destination. One is skill other is implementation. When both come together they complete each other. Thus Krishna and Arjun's relationship shows that if student is like Arjun and Guru is like Krishna then together they can make do anything possible or impossible. I think that's why at the end Vyas ji concluded Gita with:-

yatra yogesvarah krsno

yatra partho dhanur-dharah

tatra srir vijayo bhutir

dhruva nitir matir mama


Wherever there is Kṛṣṇa, the master of all mystics, and wherever there is Arjuna, the supreme archer, there will also certainly be opulence, victory, extraordinary power, and morality. That is my opinion.

To showcase their relationship we will need many books and still it won't be enough. But one thing we can learn from them is when friendship is tinged with beauty of Devotioal surrender , God is willing to go at any length for his friend and devotee and devotee will do anything in his power to protect and Care for his friend/God.

It's the beauty of Lord Krishna and Arjun's relation that when you are willing to handover the reign of your life to God , instead of words of other relations in both Krishna and Arjun's life the words or idiom in hindi used is

Mujhko kya soch or bhay
Bana liya hai maine Saarthi tumko

(I don't have to worry, fear or care for my life. After all I have made you the charioteer of the chariot that is my life.)

It was because of love, respect and devotion of Arjun towards Krishna that Lord took the reigns of his life in his hand willingly as he can't deal with being away from his friend in such an important battle of his life ♥️

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It was because of love, respect and devotion of Arjun towards Krishna that Lord took the reigns of his life in his hand willingly as he can't deal with being away from his friend in such an important battle of his life ♥️

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