Chapter 1: Second Chances

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Dear Readers: Please note that this story is a continuation of the film, "Star Wars: Revenge Of The Sith" in my own words, if Anakin had not become Darth Vader and Padme had not died in childbirth. It starts from the point, at the end of the film, when Padme has nearly been killed by Anakin and then Obi Wan arrives to confront him for his crimes. Also note: I do not own the Star Wars franchise or copyrights. 

Flashback: ( Prologue) "What have I done? What have I done?" he moaned, seeing her lie lifeless at his feet, as Obi Wan approached him. "I'll tell you what you've done, Anakin Skywalker! You've disgraced the entire Jedi order with your rebellion and direct disobedience! And not only that, but your ingenious plan to rescue Padme has taken you to a dark and evil place- far beyond any good intentions you may have had for her! You've murdered countless individuals, who didn't deserve your wrath at all! Look at what you're becoming! Why would she want to have anything to do with someone like you? You broke her heart, and the whole time this was going on, you never told her the truth!"

"I'm such a hopeless fool! I believed that horrid creature! How could I? And now ...Padme... no! Oh please... Obi Wan...for now... let me stay with her. Just for the birth of the baby, to make sure she's going to be fine. I will receive any punishment due to me afterwards, please, let me be by her side for the sake of our future child.  Knowing Padme she will not want to live if I'm gone!" Anakin pleaded.He knelt by his fallen wife, cradling her head in his lap. 

Obi Wan stared with hesitancy at his Jedi knight. "Anakin, I have every responsibility in the world to end your life this instant! How could you ask such a thing of me? What audacity after what you've done!"

"I know I have no right to, but for her sake and the child's. I'm begging you with everything in me! I'll pay the price for what I've done.I swear!" Obi Wan shut his eyes in frustration. He could see through into Anakin's heart and knew that this was a legitimate request.  His love for Padme was real, not wavering, and as strange as it was, it seemed he was truly sorry for his actions. Still, that didn't mean he could get away with them, using his helpless wife as an excuse. Only to what,prove later that he was lying to escape certain death? The wise Jedi master wouldn't put it past him, after what he'd done. However his gut feeling told him this wasn't the case. 

He'd never wanted to do this, but Anakin hadn't given him a choice. He'd have to kill him sometime, one way or another. He looked at Padme's still, beautiful form, so innocent and void of wickedness, and the fragile life she held inside her. For her, but only for her,he decided.He wasn't going to have her death on his hands and perhaps the death of the Skywalker's child. It was too much. That poor, sweet girl had done nothing to deserve that.

"All right, but I'm leaving it up to the Jedi Council to decide your fate when this is through. You have to admit to what you've done,Anakin.Nothing can erase or cover up that fact, however hard and cold it may seem." 

" I will, master, I promise you. Thank you for your incredible mercy." Obi Wan nodded solemnly and then the two of them carefully picked Padme up and carried her into the starship, leaving behind the world of lava and Palpatine's ever-growing, demonic presence.

 Anakin's heart pounded loudly, his fears esculating to a ever-growing dread as he listened helplessly to Padme's cries of anguish.She lay on the examination table in a white nightgown, her long hair down over her shoulders.They were at the hospital in Polis Massa and he sat beside her, holding her frail hand and feeling useless and sick to his stomach with anxiety. He hated to see or hear her in pain; it just killed him. The sound of a baby crying resounded in his ears and he smiled.He held out a blue-eyed, sweet baby son for Padme."It's a boy." he said. " Luke." Padme decided, her breathing strained and heavy. She could barely speak, such were the waves of fatigue.Anakin smoothed some of her hair back and kissed her, as she cried out sharply again. He had to force himself to not cry,because he wanted so badly to alleviate her pain. Teardrops were at the corners of his eyes, as he caressed her hand sympathetically. " Oh, Padme." A final gasp escaped her and not long after that, the sound of another child's wail echoed in the room. 

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