Chapter 3: Obi Wan's Return

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Padme sank down in the warmth and comfort of the hot water, letting it flood her skin and hair and soothe her. Her body still felt somewhat sore, but she had recovered considerably and now felt much more like herself.

As she bathed, she ran her fingers across her stomach, it's appeareance having changed some since the birth. She didn't mind the usual stretch marks that were now a part of her silken body, though- to her, instead, they seemed like reminders of the beautiful lives she'd grown inside her. Symbols of life and beauty, love and yet glorious imperfection. 

 Sometimes, it seemed like she was still in shock from the events of the last weeks.  One terrible thing after another had happene;tears, pain, and anguish and now she was safe and happy here in Naboo.

It was a truly welcome shift from the way things had been for so long. Her hours lately had been filled with the opposite emotions- such joy, pride, and happiness overflowing within her. She loved being a mommy, so very much. Every second of every day she spent cradling her precious Luke and Leia close to her, feeding and nurturing them with love and devotion, dressing and bathing, and simply watching them while they slept, their tiny chests rising and falling in rhythm. 

Padme loved watching them sleep the best- she found it relaxing and liked to see them content and well. Her thoughts slowly gravitated towards Anakin, as she reflected silently, with her eyes shut. He had been amazing lately, taking such good care of her and keeping the house clean.His regards towards her was so tender and thoughtful, it melted her heart. Really, it was the little things that made the difference. He brought her her favorite meals, made her laugh with his excellent sense of humor, and keep her entertained through stories, some Obi- Wan had told him as a young boy.

Oftentimes, she'd catch him staring intently at her, when she wasn't paying attention, his eyes almost peering into her. Then, he'd look away, with a soft smile on his handsome face. The second time it happened to her she'd experienced chills down her spine of pure delight. She remembered.. that was the way Anakin had looked at her the first time they'd been alone together.

His eyes were like pools of intriguement and love-fascinated and captivated with her. Back then, she hadn't particarly liked it. It made her feel uncomfortable and she made sure to politely communicate that to him. Now, though, his intense gaze somehow made her feel like the luckiest, most beautiful person in the world.

He seemed made to be a father, just as she was made to be a mother. Whenever he wasn't keeping house, he was caring for his darling children, talking and singing to them, rocking them to sleep, giving her a break from the rigors of motherhood. Even though Anakin had not often been around children, he fit perfectly into the role and treasured every moment. 

For 18 years, Padme had dreamed of being a mother, ever since she was a young, blossoming 15 year old, in the prime of life. Sola, at nineteen, had been her role model as a child and once she married and had two daughters of her own, Padme watched her every move. She was the epitome of a good mother, forgiving, kind, gracious, brave, strong, an avid listener when Ryoo & Pooja needed her. This was what Padme wanted to be for Leia and Luke and now, in the beginning of their lives, she strove to build a good foundation and example for both of them. 

Padme pulled aside the curtain of the window next to the bathtub, gazing out at the scenery as she meditated on these things. Her beloved home had, of course, always had a special place in her heart. How many times had she roamed those rich, green hills, picnicked by the waterfalls, and swam and canoed in the cool waters of Lake Como? Far more than she could count, that was for certain. She couldn't wait to show Luke and Leia all the old hunts and introduce them to the quaint, scenic atmosphere that she'd grown up in and fought to save, as queen 13 years before.

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