Six. Naengmyon (Cold noodles)

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Sorry. I mean it this time. My first semester of uni started and since then I haven't had time. I'll make it up to you in these days of my semi-vacation, I assure you.
Third Person POV.
Kim Seokjin was having the worst day of his life, period.
"Mr. Seokjin, be so kind to listen to this speech of mine again...I know I asked you like, thirteen times in the past this day alone, but-"
"No problem. Namjoon"
"Seokjin-ssi, could you grab my papers and help set up the mic stand?"
"Yes, Namjoon."
"Mr. Seokjinnie, will you be kind enough to bring the other members their stuff? It's back at the hotel..."
"Sure, and please call me Jin"
"Jin hyung, would you inform Maria that I need a proper ear piece to listen to the speeches? I'd be fine but the others don't understand English clearly-"
"...Don't even stress about it"
"Jin, could you bring me a bottle of water?"
"Jin, can you please remind me my posture position again?"
"Jin could you do this?"
"I'll try"
"Jin we need a little help here!"
"Jin-ssi could you?"
"Jin hyung..."
"Jeez Namjoon, give me a break for a second"
The older boy huffs and brushes his (poorly dyed, probably because he might have done it by himself) blonde hair out of his eyes and sits down on the floor, crossing his legs in the process.
Namjoon flashes a look of worry towards the members before he gets coached into talking with him. He did not understand the fact that why were the members (even Yoongi...) were so keen on him talking to the other boy.
Yeah, he doesn't admit that he may find the bright and happy boy attractive but it was nothing more than that. He's had useless crushes in the past and the members would often say dumb crap like;
"It's a phase, Joon-ah, you always say stuff like this but we all know that you just have this intensity for a day, at most..." or "Oh, is it one of those late night hookups again or are you sure that you like them?"
Which, considered all the crappy relationships he's had, is true. He would have this burning compassion for them and after a week, He would normally get over them.
They were really good people as well.
So Namjoon being a gentle man, doesn't want to 'hurt' the older's feelings - as anyone would say in a cheesy rom-com movie, but the intellectual and wise boy was serious about this decision, and that he won't ever date again.
On the other hand, Seokjin was literally sweating. He's never done so much labor in a day of his life, and yes, maybe back when he was an intern at the UN, he'd maybe overwork himself.
But now he wasn't in the physical shape to adhere to the (undeniably) gorgeous looking boy's commands, although he enjoyed doing it; every now and again he'd see Namjoon flashing him a dimply smile when he'd come back from doing his tasks and would mutter out a 'thank you' in sincerity.
What can he say?
He wants to get every chance he can get, in order to see the caramel skinned boy's dimples again.
As he muttered the words out and sat down on the floor, he could painfully feel the look of concern that Namjoon had, but before he could even look up to say his usual apologetic response, Namjoon crouched down beside him.
"Are you okay?"
He asks in the most gentle way possible.
Now Jin 'could' say that he's alright; after all, other than being a little worn out he was fine and didn't have any major issues with his awkward body, but he kind of hated confrontation so he did what he could to keep up an interesting talk, to his surprise, it turned out a little too well.
"Well er, my back is hurting-"
"Turn around, I'll massage your back."
"Excuse me?"
"I said, turn around-"
"Yes I heard that the first time too. I meant that won't it be a little unprofessio-oh, wow. Uhm. Th-that's fine, you're massaging me, my idol is massaging me, you're really good with your hands uhm, and I'm just gonna shut my mouth from spilling out horrendous crap, err, thank you."
Namjoon chuckled at the boy's shyness; he may come off as a calm guy but even he knew that Jin wasn't all that what he claimed to be, it's cute. Namjoon smiled as he kept rubbing at his spine.
"Right here?"
"Uh, wh-what? I mean yes! Yes, that really..."
Jin couldn't control himself as he let out a whine and suddenly the hand disappeared from his shivering back. Now after the whole 'incident' of Namjoon finding out about Jin and how he may or may not be obsessed with the smart boy, he's gotten quite nonchalant about his actions towards the younger.
But all hell should have mercy on him now because Namjoon was drilling holes into his back and Jimin and Taehyung were watching the scene from afar-
with goggles because they're them.
Jin quickly covers his mouth from shame and abruptly gets up from the stone cold ground of the hall, he bows almost thirty times and Namjoon is puzzled as to how the boy can bow so fast.
"I'm really sorry, I was enjoying that and I didn't mean to make you-"
"Don't worry about it."
Namjoon casually waves his hands in front of the boy in a relaxed manner, although all the members were laughing silently at the ironic scene; it was Namjoon who couldn't keep his cool when he touched the older's back.
Nevertheless it was Jin being Jin, so he bows repeatedly once more, almost dizzying his head until Namjoon grabs his widening shoulders and puts him to a halt.
"Meet me in a nearby cafe tomorrow, I really haven't got the time to know about you and it's been almost three days since you are being so kind and helpful to me."
Namjoon manages to utter the words out without fidgeting and he could mentally hear all the members high fiving each other like they were the ones who did all this.
Now he really needs to give them a treat.
You see.
Kim Namjoon is a kpop idol and is a generally confident and fierce man; being in charge, helping the other members come out of their comfort shell and teaching them how to follow his lead.
But there was something about this particular individual in general that made him nervously wobble on his feet like a desperate penguin; trying to walk for the first time.
Jin's pupils dilate and he opens his mouth to screech happily in excitement, but he figures that Namjoon will run away from him if he does that, so he simply replies.
"Yeah, sure. We'll go together tomorrow if-if you'd like to, I mean I'm not a pushy person but-"
"Got it hyung"
9:30 AM, Tuseday

So that happened.
Now Namjoon thinks he's made the worst decision of his life as he sees Jin walking out the door with a white shirt and a rainbow coloured cardigan, that nose ring looks unholy and why the hel-does he have a heart tattoo on his upper arm?
Not to mention those skinny black jeans that would look gangster on anyone else, except him, it makes him look cute, those freaking sexy leather jeans make him look cute.
Why did he agree to this again?
On the other hand, Jin is about to faint as he sees a full coarse meal in front of him; the glasses which make him look intelligent and geeky, that Hawaiian loose dad shirt that he don't thought would look good on anyone in the planet, not to mention that he was wearing silver hoop earrings; two on his left and now on his right.
Jin could almost feel himself melting in a puddle because yes, he thinks that he looks like utter crap in front of the other.
But Namjoon has other thoughts going on in his sacred mind.
"Do you like Naengmyon?"
It's been a while since I've written in general and my wrists hurt, I need practice to do this 😂
Bye readers!

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