Chapter 9: The Assistant

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Hi again everyone! I am here to just let you guys know that I finally posted my drawings for this story on my DeviantArt account, so if you want to check out what Saphira or any of my OCs look like for this fanfic go and check it out. My DevianArt account is the same as my fanfic account. So enough chit chat and let's get on with the story.

Chapter 9: The Assistant

Miko was patiently waiting for Bulkhead to wake up from his power down and take them back to the ship. She checked her phone for the time. It read that it was already half past seven, which made Miko a bit anxious. "Come on Bulk, what's taking you so long?" she asked herself as she sat up straight on her sleeping bag. She then heard metal footsteps coming from the hallway.

Bulkhead was walking towards Miko's room to wake her up so that they would arrive at the Con's ship with plenty of time to spare. He walked into the room and turned on the light switch.

"What took you so long?" said the impatient teenager.

"Miko? You're already up?" asked the surprised bot.

The teenager rolled her eyes and replied, "I've been up for hours now. It is already 7:35 am. We got to get going, now!"

Bulkhead looked at her confusingly and replied, "What are you talking about? It is only half past six..." He paused for a moment before saying; "Time here on Cybertron is different than on Earth."

"Really" replied Miko.

He nodded and explained, "Here it is an hour behind than Earth's time zone in Jasper, Nevada."

Miko nodded in reply as she got up off her sleeping bag. "Well, I guess it doesn't hurt if we got there extra early today" she said as she grabbed a few things.

Bulkhead was confused to Miko's sudden interest in getting to the ship early to clean the vacant rooms that Knock Out assigned for her to do.

Miko turned around and said, "We going or what?"

Bulkhead snapped out of his daze and replied, "Uh, be there in a second. I got to do something first before we leave."

Miko nodded as she left the room to go exploring.

After a few minutes later, Bulkhead and Miko were ready to leave. But before they left, Miko had to run into her room and grab some things to bring with her. She grabbed her school bag that had her lunch, cell phone, sketchbook, color pencils, and the girl's sack bag with all of the belongings in it. She slung her bag over her shoulders, and left the room to go meet up with Bulkhead outside.

It took the duo only a half hour to get to the ship because there wasn't as much traffic on the streets compared to last night's drive. Once they got inside the ship, Miko got out of the truck so that Bulkhead could transform back into his robotic form. Miko took off her helmet and started to go on ahead to the med room to see what happened while she was gone.

Once she walked into the room, she noticed Knock Out hovering over the computer that was reading the girl's vitals. He then went to the medical table and pick up a syringe full of a blue colored liquid. The doctor was about to inject the blue fluid in the girl's left arm when she interrupted his concentration.

"What are you doing!" shouted the suspicion young teenager.

Knock Out was so surprised that he almost dropped the needle. He quickly caught it before it could shatter into little pieces. He breathed a sigh of relief before he sharply turned towards Miko and said angrily, "Try that again and I'll..."

"What's going on in here?" interrupted Ratchet as he walked into the room with Bulkhead by his side.

The red bot pointed at the girl and replied, "She almost made me drop this serum before I got the chance to inject it into the femme's energonstream."

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