6- boom, bitch

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I'm sorry if it triggers you that I keep going back and forth between "him" and "her". The reason I did this is because Izuku was born as a boy and still identifies as a boy, but he also identifies as a girl in his girl body. In this story, he prefers to be called either he/him or she/her instead of they/them. Plz don't hate, it's just the way I decided to make his character.

3rd person POV

The whole class was in total shock after finding out that the new class hottie was, in fact, Izuku Midoriya. They all thought that she looked familiar, but nobody would have guessed that she was Midoriya! They watched with wide eyes as she conversed with All Might, certain people more surprised than others that she actually is close to All Might.

"Look at you! I haven't seen you like this in months! My baby girl has grown up so much" All Might said while wiping a tear away.

"Hehehe.....yeah. Thanks Dad"

"DAD?!?!?" Practically the whole class screamed.

"Oh, he's not really. That's just what I call him."

"Midoriya, If you don't mind me asking, why are you a girl?" Iida asked.

"Oh. Well this morning I woke up and I was like 'you know what, I feel like being a girl today'. And now I'm a girl"

"What Midoriya is failing miserably to explain is how he's a female. To answer the question I'm sure every one of you have, it is one of Izuku's quirks. He can can change his gender" Aizawa explained to the class.

"Hehe, yeah. I haven't been a girl since middle school so this feels a bit different."

It did feel different to him, very different. You see, because Izuku hasn't been in his girl body since middle school, and he was a bit of a late bloomer, he hasn't experienced being in his girl body after it has been hit by puberty. So you can imagine his confusion when he transformed into what he thought was a cereal box, and instead was met with, well, what he is right now, staring back at him.

"Wait a second. So if you're a boy and a girl, does that mean that you are able to use the locker room designated for whatever gender you currently are at the time of use?" I don't even have to clarify who said this.


"So that means you've been in both locker rooms before?"


"And that means that you've seen girls naked before? Like, in person, and not just online?"

"Uh huh....."

"..................TELL ME WHAT ITS LIKE!!!!!"

Mineta grabbed Izuku's shoulders and began shaking them. While he was trying to get answers out of him, he accidentally touched Izuku's boob.

Boom, bitch.

No seriously, BOOM!!!!

......was heard as Izuku blasted Mineta through the wall using OFA at 6%. He flew through wall after wall, the sound of his screaming slowly fading away and getting quieter the farther he got.

After the sound of his screams died down, every girl in the class started clapping wildly at Izuku's way of getting back at Mineta. They all had to deal with him themselves so they were very thankful. Then the boys joined in and started clapping and whistling for Izuku, after all, they were also very disapproving of the way Mineta treated girls. Izuku blushed before playing along and taking a little bow. Aizawa then got the class under control and All Might continued to explain the first assignment he had for class 1A.

"As I was saying, I will split all of you up into groups of two. We will be putting two teams up against each other at a time. One team will be playing the role of heroes, the other villains." (I'm not explaining any more cuz I'm a lazy writer)

"The teams will be...." Exactly the same as in the anime. (I'm lazy as fu-)

Ururaka was ecstatic about getting to work with Izuku. He was happy about being able to work with a familiar face, and possible friend.

All Might told them that the first two groups to go are Ururaka and Midoriya against Iida and Bakugo.

'Finally, a chance to crush that shitty nerd'

'Finally, a chance to crush the guy that I spent most of my life getting crushed by. Now, he pays'
Word count: 736

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