Your past time

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The first time I saw you.

I lost all control of my words.

I lost control of my body and my mind.

Because in that moment I wanted to wipe your smile from your face.

How dare you be so beautiful.

How dare you look at me in that way.

How dare you smile at me.

The day we first spent together sober I was unsure.

You held my hand.

You kissed me but with the same breathe you spoke of someone else.

That should of been the sign.

I should of opened my eyes and realised that this was going to end in disaster.

But I was blind like so many before me who fell for a curve of your lips and the lonely void you could fill.

Weeks later on the last day I saw you, I still wanted to wipe that smile that was now a smirk off your face.

How dare you look at me like that.

How dare you smile, hold me, kiss me and speak to me as if tomorrow you're going to speak to me at all.

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