17: My Birthday

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This sounds crazy, but you can choose the hair style. It was hard to choose from different pictures. So I just picked this picture, and I'll let you choose.
Warning: time skips.

Luna's POV:

Well, this is it, my last week up here. "Hey, Peter, think you can mop the rest of the deck for me. I need some alone time." "Alright, but you owe me a pastry when we get back on land." "Seriously?" He nodded his head with a little smirk on his face, sooo adorable. "Fine, but it's days till we get there." Wherever we're going after this is all over, and if I'm still here. It was an amazing view of the sea, I think I saw some dolphins jumping by. "Hey dudett, you ok?" He's holding something weird in his hand. What do they call it up here? . . . a burger?
"Yu whoooo, Luna, you still onboard the ship with us?" "Wuh, oh, yes I am. I just needed some alone time. To breath in that sea air, instead of that poop deck and sweat air." Now I'm gonna look away—hoping you listened—and you'll leave me alone.
"Oh okay . . . so . . . What're you thinking about?" Did he not just hear me say the words, alone time. "Oh wait, let me guess . . no . . no . . no . . Got it, you're thinking about Arthur aren't you?" Thank god my back was turned to him, my face is feeling a bit warm. "So is that a yes?" I shook my head saying no. "Oh, ok then . . no . . no—"
"Alfred, how long are you gonna be here?" "Just give me a minute . . no . . no . . no," *Sigh*, I'll be here till lunch time. ". . You're thinking about your family."
. . . I didn't respond.
My mother must be in her room, worried and crying every hour of every day. My sisters, swimming all around their rooms, also worried every hour of every day. Is she alright up there? Did they figure out she's not human? Does he, or does he not love her? "Oh shit, I'm sooo sorry, Luna. I-I'll leave ya alone."
I can't believe I never once thought about my family, until now, and they're thinking about me every day. As I slept on this, I couldn't help but remember when my due date is . . . and that woke me up. "It's the eve of my birthday."

Peter's POV:

"It's the eve of my birthday." She'll be leaving us before it's even her birthday. I will not have that. If she has to leave, I'll make sure she has a birthday party even before there's a full moon.

🧜🏻‍♀️the next morning🧜🏻‍♀️

"Hey, Luna, I was wondering . . . When's your birthday?" She couldn't look at me, "I know you didn't mean to hear, Peter, but I think you know when my birthday is." Then she opened the door, and went to the kitchen. "Hmmm, I'm gonna need to do some math, and then tell captain eyebrows." I did more math then cleaning, and then found him in his studies, and told him about it.
"A little birthday party . . . I don't see why not, but we'll have to find out what pastry to make, maybe scones—"
"NO, no, no, we'll figure that out later." "Alright, alright, now get back to work."

🧜🏻‍♀️Luna's last day, in her POV🧜🏻‍♀️

Well, this is it, the last pearl will turn blue tonight, and I'll be back home. Everyone's been acting weird these days, and Arthur . . . He's ignored me most of those days. It's official, he doesn't love me, now I'll have to pick out a wedding dress when I get home.
"Yo, Luna, Captain eyebrows wants to talk to you in his room," Alfred said. Oh, so noowww he wants to talk to me. "I'll be right there." It was a bit quiet after lunch, some men whistling songs, minding their own business, and some, actually doing their job. "Alright captain, I'm . . . here?" I am here, but he isn't.
"What the?" Did he just lock me in his room? I'm twisting the handle, but it won't open. "Hello, Arthur, open the door." Oh god, I sound like an angry mother trying to come into their child's room. "Now dudett, I know you're—"
"Alfred, open the door." "I know you're angry but—"
"Open. The. Door."
"Okay, there's a letter on the bed explaining everything. I'll be out here when you're ready." He's right, there is a letter.

Luna, you're probably so angry, that smoke is coming out of your ears. But hopefully the strawberry smelling—thanks to the bubble bomb—bubble bath will calm you down. Take all the time you need in there. After that, there should be a pirate corset coat (without sleeves) and a short sleeve shirt in the closet. Once you've done with that, knock on the door, and Alfred will go and get Harry to do your hair. See you soon.

🧜🏻‍♀️time skip🧜🏻‍♀️

Mmmm, I smell like strawberries, whatever they are. When was the last time I took a bubble bath? . . . I'll think later, now let's see what's in that closet.
(I found this on Pinterest with sleeves, but with sleeves it looks weird. And imagine it in dark green and gold.)
There's a note on you too.

I looked around some old boxes and found this

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I looked around some old boxes and found this. It was my mother's, her first pirate coat, and I know you'll take good care of it.
Next to it: a nice pair of trousers, and these black boots with the same decoration on the coat. They must have been his moms too. "Alright then, let's get dressed."

🧜🏻‍♀️time skip🧜🏻‍♀️

"Harry, meet Luna, Luna, meet Harry. Alright now that you two know each other, I'll be out here, knock—again—when you're done," Alfred said. I never want to hear a door click again.
"Now with your lovely hair and highlights, I'm suggesting braids. I do the regular, waterfall, diagonal braid updo, double fishtail, crown, upside down braid and bun, twisted crown, and milkmade braid." I never knew there were so many types of braids. "I uh . . guess I'll go with . . . ____ braid." "Great choice."

🧜🏻‍♀️time skip🧜🏻‍♀️

Everyone was up top, some tables with food and drinks on them, and there're crew members with their instruments. "So this is a party on board a pirate ship." "It was Peter's idea," Arthur said.
He had no hat on, and instead of a red coat, it was dark green with gold color at the hems. "You look handsome." "And you look lovelier then I imagined." Well someone sounds flirtatious today. "Thanks, I made sure to—"
"Alright alright, you two need to hurry up, and par-tay. Especially you, Luna." Oh god. "Luna, I know what you're thinking, but let's beat that wanker tomorrow. And allow me to do it for you," He stuck out his arm, such a gentleman. "Now let's celebrate your birthday."

🧜🏻‍♀️time skip🧜🏻‍♀️

There was music, dancing, singing, and drinking—though not so much from Arthur. Some of the crew were shocked. And who knew we had more oysters left to cook. "Luna, will you come to the front of the ship with me." "Sure." There was a lovely sunset, even better then the last one. If I have to leave tonight, I'll remember this sunset, this crew, and all the days onboard the ship, forever. Especially this one.
And him: messy blonde hair—during the sunset it looks gold—bushy eyebrows, and those emerald green eyes. Oh how much I'll miss those eyes. "Arthur, what is it?" One of his hands was on my waist, pulling me closer, and the other cupped my cheek. ". . . I'm going to finish what I started about a week ago." I know what he meant, so I closed my eyes, and let him come closer, and closer, and—


Arthur's POV:

Ok first: bloody hell!!! When will I ever get to tell her, or show her. And second: they're here, they've caught up. "Luna, take Peter and go downstairs to my room, take your sword and dagger in case of an emergency. Men, get to your stations! It seems we have some uninvited guests coming."

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