24: The discussion

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Luna's POV:

It was a sweet kiss, but then it grew passionate, not that let's makeout passion, just that I love you passion. When we separated I didn't hear whispers, it was quiet like a dark mysterious trench. But then . . . "Regina, we have to talk about this." "Yes, what about the alliance between kingdoms?" "Gentleman, right now this seems like a family discussion. You will have your answer by noon tomorrow." How about . . . no.
"Mother, no, let's discuss this right now," small little whispers. "The sooner the better right?" Everything stopped. "Those sound like the words of a Queen. Alright then, everyone to the throne room." I was smiling for real this time, while Arthur had the look of confusion on his face. "Love, what are you—"
"Don't worry captain eyebrows, I've got this all under control, in the end both our worlds will be happy."

🧜🏻‍♀️at the throne room🧜🏻‍♀️

Alright, mom's sitting on the throne, I've got Arthur on my left, and my sisters behind me. I really need their backs this time. "Now as you all know, every decision and-or decree made in the throne room is final." Some nodded their heads and others said 'yes, your majesty.' "Luna, Arthur, do you both understand?" "Yes, Your Majesty," we said in unison. There're times in this place when I say mother, or mom, or your majesty. Right now, it's time to say Your Majesty. Or mother since that word sounds big and fancy. "Luna, what I got from your speech in the ballroom—and with what your sisters told me—is that you gave up the biggest treasure in all the ocean, for love, hoping that he'd love you back. Is that right?"
"Yes, and what you saw in the ballroom a few minutes ago proves it."
"I see, now Captain Arthur, do you love my daughter back as much as she loves you?" He took my hand, stroking my ring finger. "Your Majesty, what you saw a few minutes ago, I've been trying to do three times up on my ship. Now I may be a pirate, but I'm also a gentleman. I've never pushed her or pressured her, I just let things happen the way they wanted to happen." Oh god, it sounds like he's asking permission for my hand. Then again . . . "Luna, it's your twenty first birthday, today I am to give you The Heart of the Ocean, and tell you about a wedding alliance between us and one of the other six kingdoms. But I already did that weeks ago, and after yesterday and today, I know you have something to say about all this."
"Yes, I do." Well, here goes nothing.

"Mother, before you were my age you had an older sister, but she played with dark magic. And on the eve of her twenty first birthday when grandpa found out, he had no choice but to sentence her into exile, and everything that was planned for her birthday, that had to hold until it was your twenty first birthday." "Luna, what are you saying?"
"What I'm saying, is that I know I'm worthy of having The Heart of the Ocean, and being Queen . . . But I love Arthur, and I would love to be with him and his family," gasps and whispers again. "So I would like to pass down The Heart of the Ocean, and the throne, to my little sister, your second daughter. Lagoona." Mom, the kings, Arthur, everyone was shocked. My sisters pulled me back for an intervention. "Luna, what are you doing? you cannot—"
"Aqua, let me handle this. Luna, what are you saying? what are you doing? I can't have The Heart of the Ocean, and the throne, I'm not ready yet." "Yes you are, you're smarter now." "It takes more then brains to hold that much power."
The kings were surrounding my mom with questions, one more and she'll blow like a puffer fish. "Don't worry, I'll be here on your twenty first birthday. And you're two years younger then me." "Oh god, I think my head's gonna explode."
"Regina is this the right thing—"
"Enough!" It was quiet, like when you're in the middle of the ocean, and you see nothing but blue. "I think mom already did," Aqua said. "Luna, come here." Don't panic, everything's going according to plan. She took my hands like a mother does when she's having a serious discussion with her daughter.

"Luna, do you believe your sister is worthy of this treasure?"
"That when she comes of age—or if I pass away—she can rule the throne and protect this kingdom?"
"And what makes you so sure?"
"Because she's learned from her older sister, they both have. They've been learning with me since I turned fifteen." She was quiet with her head down, the only sound was my heart beating. When she looked up, one of her hands went to my cheek.
". . . You're Just like your father. You and your sisters go to your rooms, it's late, and you've had enough fun for tonight."

Third person POV:

No one said a word as the three princesses left the throne room, and once the doors shut, the first person to speak, was the Queen. "The discussion is over, I will have to sleep on all this." Everyone started leaving, and the Kings and their sons went to the guests rooms. "Captain Arthur, you stay here. I would like to have a quick word with you." "Yes, Your Majesty."

🧜🏻‍♀️the next morning, in Luna's POV:🧜🏻‍♀️

"Alright rise and shine sleepy turtle, get out of that shell it's breakfast time," Aqua said. After yesterday night, I'm surprised I got any shut-eyes. "Mmmmm, it's too early." "C'mon, it's oysters for breakfast. They probably didn't have oysters up there," Lagoona said. I'd argue but I'm too tired. "Alright I'm coming. Why oysters for breakfast?" "You've had some hard and strange two days, mom thinks they'll make you feel better," Aqua said. I'll be the judge of that.
"Alright, let's go."

🧜🏻‍♀️at the dining room🧜🏻‍♀️

"Why've you two smiled the whole swim here?" "Just open the doors," they said, something strange is going—
"Arthur, what are you guys doing here?" My mom's at the head of the table, with Arthur at her left side, and the other three seats on her right are open. "Come on dear, sit down. Your breakfast is getting cold." This'll also go down in history.
A pirate had breakfast with the Royal Family of The Blue Moon kingdom.

🧜🏻‍♀️time skip🧜🏻‍♀️

Okay breakfast was great, but a little weird. First Lagoona excuses herself, then two minutes later Aqua excuses herself, and now mom wants to have another talk with Arthur. I'll just go get more sleep til—
"Uh, guys, what's with all the trunks?" They're putting my some of my best clothes, jewelry, and other things in fancy luggage boxes. "Oh mom should of just told everyone yesterday instead of sleeping in on it," Lagoona said. "I'm guessing she didn't tell you at breakfast after we left," Aqua said. "What are you girls doing? I told you to pack her stuff later or tell her first." Mom almost gave me a heart attack. "Mom, what's going on here?"

"You're going to live on land," my sisters said in unison.
"Now come with me, I have something to give you."

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