Chapter 3: Excitement

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Tyler's POV

When I got that text from Troye, I ran around my apartment in excitement. I started mass cleaning (I cleaned things like books, P.O. Box boxes, and organized all of your inspiring letters).

I started singing a song that I wrote a while back... Yes I like writing songs about Troye. I sung my most recent written song called "Troye is My Sunshine". If I ever sang that to Troye, he'd laugh. I have a horrible voice and no one will think it's good.

After I got my excitement out of my system, I went on Twitter. I favorited your tweets, checked Troye's Twitter, and then logged off for the night. I was happy, I truly was! Troye was able to come over to spend the weekend and life was good! I couldn't wait for him to come. Now I just had to dress the wait. The long, long wait. I just watched the clock go around the hour.





That was the sound I heard before drifting to sleep. The constant ticking of the clock made time seemingly longer.

"Go away clock," I moaned. "You're making things difficult."

Then I thought in my dreams about what that weekend would be like. Drinking apple juice, doing collabs, expressing feelings, I had no idea what to think at that point.

"Go to sleep, Tyler! It's 3 AM!"

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