Chapter 7: My Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

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Tyler's POV

I woke up this morning not remembering what I was supposed to do today. When I checked my calendar, I hurried to get dressed, make my morning coffee, do my hair, brush my teeth, and check all my social medias. Why? I was doing a secret project you will soon find out about, and I was already late. JUST GREAT! I thought as I got angry. I was hoping today I would be on time for this!

After I ran to my ghetto ass car, it decided not to start. CAN TODAY GET ANY WORSE? Finally, it started up and I was on my way. Then I got stuck in traffic... There was a car crash that covered up 3 different lanes. It was bad luck day for me. After I got out of the traffic, I realized I forgot something important. My glasses!!! No! I left them on my bedside table, oh no. I can't do this project without them. So I had to turn around, speed back to my apartment, grab my glasses, drive back to the 'location' and doing that, I was 1 hour late. The people were upset, but I told them I got stuck in major traffic.

After the horrible first half of my day, it got worse. I had shrimp for lunch, which was the worst idea to try to cheer me up. I ended up vomiting everywhere all day afterward, because my shrimp was way undercooked. What a perfect day!!! I thought. JESUS CHRIST! I skipped dinner, feeling too horrible to even leave my bed unless it was much too necessary. Troye texted me to see how I was doing, and I just said:

The secret project I started went horrible, I had really undercooked shrimp and now I feel horrid.

He responded with:

Aw Ty! I hope you get better before I come over! If not, I'll be sure to take care of you nicely. Ok?

I responded with a simple "Ok" and went on with the rest of my horrible night. After feeling to horrible to keep my eyes open, I fell asleep to finish off the worst day ever.

A/N: So, that was my version called, "Tyler's No Good, Horrible, Very Bad Day". I hope you enjoyed that! Comment, vote, read, share, and yeah! See ya later! Bye.

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