Chapter 8: The Best Day

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Troye's POV

Today was the best day. I got to sleep in, relax, and not have to worry about anything. My family wouldn't be home all day so I could go on the Troyler tag on Twitter. Also, I could stalk some of you guys on Twitter to see you freak out. It's been my dream since 3 months back to be alone on a day like today. I wanted to text Tyler, but I knew he was asleep already. I altered my plans around a little bit and ate some donuts that I found in my pantry. It was delicious.

I loved today so much, I decided to film a video. So, I got my camera and stand, set up, and started to film. After that, I decided to take a warm bath. Warm baths are relaxing. I turned on my music, turned the water on, and closed my eyes to listen to the soothing music.

What a perfect ending to a prefect day.

A/N: So this is the same day as Tyler's day FYI. SO I REALIZED A FEW DAYS AGO THAT WE HIT 100+ READS!!! I can't express emotions how much you guys like this! This was a special update on how Troye's day was! I hope you enjoyed! Bye....!!!

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