There's this portrait that used to hang in our hallway of me, my brother, my biological mother, and my dad before we broke apart. Kyle was just a typical five year old without a violent bone in his body, our dad was still the funniest guy ever, and only drunk on special occasions, and our mother well she loved us more than anything in the whole world. Who could have known that all of that would have changed in less than a year? My brother hides a lot in. He and my mother were very close and when mom got really bad dad took me away from her to stay with our aunt but Kyle stayed, he wouldn't leave her side regardless of the condition she was in. He uses to always think she was going to come back one day and everything would just pick back up where it left off...but I always knew deep down it wouldn't. All I knew is once I came home mom was gone and so was my entire family. I mean physically my brother and dad were still there but who they once were left right out that door with mom, and I don't know specifically how bad she got but I know she drugs in front of Kyle and almost overdosed once and when she was supposed to be taking care of him he had to take care of her. I can't imagine what that was like for him. When I finally got home the portrait just fell over and broke, the glass frame just shattered out of nowhere, no one bumped into it and there wasn't any wind, it just fell. And once it fell nobody bothered to hang it back up because there no longer was a point in doing so.I know a lot more happened with mom that Kyle hasn't told us about, they always had a special connection and dad says it because their both bipolar and maybe he's right. But I wish whatever it is that's holding Kyle on and keeping him this angry he'd just let it all go. Truth is I'm scared to ask Kyle why he hates Olivia so much, because I know he wouldn't just randomly hurt someone for no reason, my brothers a lot of things but a psychopath isn't one, so I know his reason to hate her may be valid, and I don't want to feel that way to one person I've considered my sister. I don't know much about Olivia's family her moms always working so you barley see much of her, Olivia's basically raised herself and her dad's not in the picture I think Olivia told me she never met him and she's the only child so it's always been just her.
Though I've known Olivia for years yet it still feels like she's such s mystery to me which worries me. Kyle just came home from his physiatrist with two blond-haired girls from our school with legs the size of twigs and they don't even bother to attempt to appear shameful as they prance up the stairs with him wearing practically nothing. I know a lot of people see my brother and think he's a notorious man-whore and a cocky smart-ass but I just see a boy who was exposed to a lot as a child who's now acting out in the only way he knows how maybe he needs so much attention from girls because he never got it from our mom. She gave her attention to pills.
I try my best not to judge him because I don't know what he went through, I don't think he can really connect with females much, he doesn't really talk to me but he hates when I go places for long periods of time because I think he believes I'm going to leave him to.
The girls with Kyle are screaming now and my face turns in disgust as I walk outside I stand on my front porch. From the distance I can see Olivia, our eyes meet and a shiver runs down my spine as she rolls her eyes flips me off the storms back inside her house from taking out the trash. It becomes obvious something really went down bad in that office and it's my job to make sure I found on what then fixing it.
Loving the Enemy
RomanceDear Olive, I hate you. I hate that you were born and that your human and have a face. I hate that you live next door to me and I hate that I can't sleep at night because the thought of you has forever left a vivid image creased in the back of my m...