Chapter 3

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When i get there something bad happens...

We are changing seats again!

When i walk in the teacher says,

Teacher: This will be your permanent seats for the rest of the year!

Minx: Really?

I think i said that out load because the teacher and the rest of the class looked at me.

Teacher: Minx? Do you have a problem with this?

I couldn't speak.

I was way to scared to say anything so i just stood there looking stupid. Like i always do.

Teacher: I thought so! Anyways class this is where you are sitting.

I didn't pay attention at all until i hear my name.

Teacher: Ah Minx you will be sitting next to... Krism!

Oh my god! Im going to be sitting next to her?! I slowly walked over. Yes i talk to her sometimes but i was still nervous around her. Remember when i said i was a lesbian? Yeah i like her. Is it obvious?

Krism: Hey Minx ^-^

Minx: Oh hey Krism!

I said that a little too fast hopefully she didn't notice.

Krism: Are you ok?


Minx: Yeah sorry heh

Krism: Its ok i just thought you seemed nervous? Haha

Minx: Haha oh no im just shy a little ^-^

Krism: Don't be shy

When i was about to say something the teacher did,

Teacher: Ok class today we are going to learn about...

Thats when I stopped paying attention (lulz mee!)

~~TIME SKIP!~~ (yeah I didn't think you would want to read a whole class heh yeahhh... Awkwardddd... Heh)

As i was grabbing my stuff to leave Krism started talking to me,

Krism: Hey minx i was wondering if you would sit with me and my friends at lunch today

She just asking to sit with her?! I can't believe this! Ok ok stay kool minx stay kool.

Minx: Yea-h sure that would be awesome (i say awesome alot sorry)

Krism: Okay see you there! ^-^

Minx: Yep ^-^

Ok well i hope you like that chapter more coming soon and sorry i have school and stuff ^-^

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