Chapter 5

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Minx P.O.V
Did krism just say she was a lesbian?! I'm so happy!! That might give me more of a chance to be with her! Oh wait! Crap! Maddy! I'm still dating her! How could i fucking forget!? I have to talk to krism before i do anything stupid.
I see krism at her locker and i walk over.
Minx: Hey krism!
Krism: Hey minx what's up?
Ok minx don't say anything stupid! Don't. Don't!
Minx: Well i was wondering if we were friends?
Yep stupid!
Krism: Of course we are minxymoo
That's cute she gave me a nick-name!
Minx: Ok :) i was wondering if you wanted to spend the night tomorrow night?
Krism: Yesh that would be awesome! ^-^
Minx: yay! Ok see you tomorrow
Krism: Kk see you
Ok ok well that wasn't hard. Oh wait leave minx leave. I walk away to my next class and sit in my normal seat next to cry and chilled.
I think cry liked chilled.
(One sec guys yes i just said cry and chilled! I ship them! So hopefully you like them being shipped sooooooo yeah?)
And yeah I'm calling cry gay, he does kinda seem like that.
Science was boring as always!
After class i went to social studies which i kinda like that class but there is a boy in there that i used to date and i think he still likes me he was really pissed when he first found i was a lesbian and it was stupid.
He keeps staring at me and i stare back with the *do you gotta problem?!* face (lolz) he eventually looks away. That was the last hour of the day and we are going home.
I walk with Maddy and before i get on the bus she kisses me on the lips. I'm fine with that but it didn't feel right. I say bye and get on my bus. I did smile tho before i left. So she knows i was fine with it. :)..
Friday was normal.
I broke up with Maddy. I feel bad now.
She is still my friend.
Today krism is going to come over to spend the night ^-^
I really hope she likes me and will date me.
I see krism at her locker and walk over she is supposed to ride my bus with me so i will actually have someone to talk to!
Minx: Hey ready?
Krism: Yeah let's go! ^-^
DAMN she was cute!
We walk on my bus and sit down and talk for the 25 mins. And finally my bus stop.

Ok ok i will make a chapter tonight or tomorrow. Ok? Please don't hate me please!!! Ok well hopefully you like? The cry and chilled ship can change if you want. Ok well see ya!

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