Chapter 6 Part 1

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Krism P.O.V
(This is when my name works lolz)
She said her mom is on a 3 week vacation and she has the house to herself and her brother is way to old to live with them anymore so i guess we will be here alone all weekend. (Hehehe)
I like minx alot and i hope she likes me too. I think Minx and her girlfriend broke up so maybe?
We get to her house and it's clean i like her house, it's nice.
We put our shoes in a pile by the door. Her house wasn't too big or too small. We walk up the stairs to her room and put our things down.
Minx: So? Do you like video games??
Krism: Yes! I love video games!
Minx: Ok good because that's like all i do so it's gonna be fun playing with someone that is actually in my house!
She laughs alittle, I'm so confused?
Krism: What do you mean??
I laugh at my stupidity.
Minx: Oh i play with friends online and i never have someone over so it will be fun. ^-^
Krism: Ohhhh ok haha well I'm here! ^-^
Minx: Yesh now come on we are going to play g-mod!
Krism: G-mod??
Minx: Yeah, you'll see!
Krism: ok ^-^
I was woundering what it was when we went down stairs and she turned on her computer.
Right away there was a skype call?
Minx: Hey guyss!!
She does that crazy minx laughter and everyone laughs and i do too.
Her laugh is so cute!
Minx: So guys this is Krism and she is going to be playing with us today!
They all say "ok!"Or "yay!"
Minx: ok krism, the one with the poker face mask on is cry.
Cry: sup.
Minx: the one with the mask with a horse shoe is ohm.
Ohm: what's up
Minx: The one with the Mario hat on is chilled.
Chilled: heyyy
Minx: and the one with the banana (the hot one! 😍! Don't judge!) is Nanners
Nanners: yep that's meeee!
Krism: ok hi I'm krism!
I say that kinda quiet because i just met them. I know they go to our school but still. I never knew them!
Minx: ok guyss! Let's play murder!
The guys: YEAH!
We play for hours but we switch to prop-hunt and other games and eventually the guys say they need to leave.
Ohm: well guys i gtg, nice meeting you krism!
Krism: same here bye ohm!
Minx: bye big bro!
Wait they? I never knew?
Chilled: i need to go too
Nanners: me too
Minx: ohhhh i see have fun you 2 😏😂
Chilled/Nanners: SHUT UP!!
Me and minx laugh as they both end the call.
Cry: well it's getting late and I'm tired I'll see you guys tomorrow!
Minx: bye cry!
Krism: see ya!
Cry: bye
He ends the call
Minx: well did you like them? They get a little crazy during a game but it's always funny ^-^
Krism: haha yeah i liked them they are pretty funny during the games, they freak out over alot of stuff haha
Minx: haha i know right! They are the best when it comes to being funny!
Krism: yeah! They just are random and it's so funny!
Minx: haha well I'm glad you liked it! After I'm done editing, we will watch and movie on Netflix! Ok?
Krism: ok that sounds kool!
As she is editing i was thinking...
What if i made a move on her? I mean like ask her out or something maybe she would say yes? Of course I didn't just go to her house to ask her out i just hope she will like me enough to say yes. If i ask her out, she might say no, but i just have to be brave enough! That sounds so stupid but maybe it will be ok if i do ask her. Just imagining her and me, together, and maybe even more <3...
Minx: Krism? Why are you staring at me like that?
Krism: huh? Like what?
Minx: You were staring at me drooling? Haha
Krism: oh. Heh sorry
Minx: it's ok, I'm almost done and then we can go up stairs and watch and movie!
Krism: Ok! ^-^
I had to text Amanda!
Krism: AMANDA! I want to make a move but what do i do?!
I wait till she texts back.
Amanda: ok krism calm down, just ask her if she likes someone and then kiss her! I know that seems risky but maybe it will work! It would be so cute!
Krism: ok ok yeah i will try it but if she punches me I'm blaming you! And shut up! I know we would be cute!
Amanda: and if she doesn't you can't blame me! You have to thank me. And I can't wait to see you guys together!
I love Amanda but sometimes she can be a pain in the ass!
Krism: ok Amanda i will and i gtg! We are going to watch a movie!
Amanda: ok ok see ya! Have fun with her!
Krism: shut up! Lolz
Amanda: lolz!
Minx P.O.V
I think krism liked my friends! She seemed to fit in with us perfectly! Hopefully she likes me!
I'm still editing my video and she is next to me on the couch texting someone. She was so adorable! I wonder what she was looking at me with that face for she was literally drooling! Haha well she's really cute!
FINALLY! I'm done editing!
Minx: finally! Ok krism what movie??
Krism: I don't know how about a kid movie heh I'm just in the mood for that! Or maybe a scary movie??
Minx: oooo i love scary movies how about that??
Krism: ok good haha which one?
Minx: how about.... Ouija?
Krism: yay! That's a good movie!
Minx: haha ok!

Ok guys i think that was a long chapter?! Hopefully you like it! Sorry i have been gone so long! I lost a lot of reads and i feel fucking horrible about it! So i will make a part 2 tonight and also I'm not good at making a lesbian sex thing lol so leave in the comments or DM me some that you guys make and i will use them! Comment!!

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