Chapter 13- Confrontations

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Cliffe POV

He woke up to a blinding light in front of his face, and the sight of seeing Vail hurriedly putting on his clothes.

His first thought was: What. The. Hell?

His second thought was: Oh. My. God.

He had an inner girl squeal in his head before coming back to Earth and realizing that Vail had been drinking and probably regreting everything he had just done now. Especially since he was drunk. That was the worst part. Cliffe hadn't even touched a glass of alcohol, and yet he had still gone with Vail's wishes, even though he knew that he would hate him in the morning.

He didn't even know if he was gay!

Ohmygosh Ohmygosh Ohmygosh Ohmygossshhh!!

He was freaking out! His face must have looked super weird because Vail was staring at him weirdly.

He quickly attempted to compose his face, but it was too late. Vail was smiling at him, trying to hold in his laughs.

"You look like you're constipated."

Cliffe pouted and crossed his arms like a grouchy kid, and Vail chuckled at him.

"I know what you're thinking, but let's let begones be begones."

Cliffe nodded and watched as Vail picked up his stuff and left the room. He should have felt relieved that nothing was going to happen, and things were going to be fine, but, oddly, he felt a pang of disapointment. He shook his head, clearing those thoughts from his head.

He was glad. He was glad.

He repeated the sentence to himself and grabbed his clothes. He would act naturally because it didn't matter.

Lucien POV

What the fuck was this shit?!

His teeth clenched as he watched that THING that had just slept with his precious Vail.

Why the fuck had they been together?!

He knew Vail slept around with other people, but he was particulary pissed with this one. The other times, he knew that Vail would likely never talk to them again after that night, but this one was connected with Vail.

They would see each other all time. There might even be the chance that they would have feelings for each other!

That would be the worst thing for him right now! He had to get rid of him! But how?

He could jump him right now! He was walking down the street. He could just jump down and crack his neck, just like that.

He could, couldn't he? He was preparing himself to do it right then and there when a hand pushed down on his shoulder.

He shoved the hand and glared up.

"What the hell do you want, Darcy?"

Darcy stared up at him and sighed quietly. Lucien had been staring like a mad man at the man that was now around the corner and gone.

"Do you want to piss off Vail?"

Lucien tensed up. He had no right to tell him what or what not to do with his precious Vail's 'friend'. He growled lowly at him before snapping, "Vail won't hate me. He'll love that I got rid of his stupid relationship and love ME even more."

Darcy narrowed his eyes at him.

"No, he hate you for actually killing someone that's close to him."

Lucien wanted to sock him in the face, but he had a point. He definitely wasn't going to let Darcy know that he agreed with him, though. He stalked off the roof that he'd been crouching on and brushed past Darcy.

He would let him live, for now.

Darcy POV

He had to stop the tears from welling in his eyes as he watched the man he loved walk away. Lucien was better than this. He needed someone better than Vail. Not that he didn't like Vail. He was a good enough guy, but he obviously didn't like Lucien that way. And Lucien needed someone that was going to love him unconditionally.

Someone like you?

The voice inside his head seemed to laugh at his face.

Lucien would never love you. You're not good enough for him.

Shut up! Shut up! He could love him! He just needed to get away from his obsession with Vail!

He LOVES Vail. You're just the friend that he stays with, and that's probably not even real. I bet that it's all in your head, and he doesn't treat you any differently.

He does! He's my best friend!

But are you HIS best friend? There's no reason for him to treat you specially at all. You're just the scrawny boy with the knack for knowing genuine from fake. Nothing else.

He took a deep breath and squeezed his eyes close as he tried to regulate his breathing. The voice in his head seemed to mock him before disappearing and becoming silent.

He did his breathing excerises that he always did when he felt anxious and shook it off. He would ignore that vioce like he'd done so many times before.

It wasn't going to faze him. He stepped off of the roof and walked casually down the street. Like he hadn't just felt like going crazy.

After all, he was fine, wasn't he?


Picture of Darcy

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