6 | 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐱

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JOSH SEEMED WEIRDLY QUIET THAT AFTERNOON AS THEY LEFT THE STORE. Joe had only noticed because Jason noticed, and both twins were stumped as to why their best friend was in a mood. Usually, Josh would be joking around, napping, eating or doing something; other than having a sour look on his face and starring out the window. His eyes drifted over to where Melissa sat, her head resting on Chase's shoulder as her eyes shut signalling she was beginning to pass out. Josh rolled his eyes, not being able to figure out why he was so mad they were sitting together. Ever since he'd seen them together when he got back on, a wave of anger and jealousy washed over him. But why would he be jealous?

"Josh?" Joe whispered from beside him, snapping his fingers in front of the seventeen-year olds' face as his attention continued to linger on the duo just across from them. Eventually, the Waud twin followed his friends gaze and had to hold back a excited gasp as he realized Josh was staring at where Melissa and Chase sat. "Josh!" He exclaimed, turning back to his friend.

This brought Josh from his heated gaze, and made his blue eyes flutter towards Joe. "What?" His eyes flickered back to Melissa before going back to Joe.

"You like Melissa!" Joe practically shrieked, making Josh jump, quickly slapping his hand over his mouth.

"Shut it, will you? I don't like her, like that." He pushed off the thought, letting go of his friends mouth with a stern look.

"Oh, you so do! I mean, why else have you been in such a crabby mood? Ugh, this is great!" Without another word, Joe was quick to move a seat back besides Jason, and began to speak rather fast; leaving Josh to sit on his own and stew over the rather weird conversation that had just occurred. Did he have feelings for Melissa? Is this what was going on? He looked back towards them, his eyes narrowing as Chase wrapped his arm over her shoulders.

Maybe Joe was right.

Josh Richards likes Melissa Stewson.

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