7 | 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

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JOSH WAS HAVING A HARD TIME coming to terms with his newfound feelings for none other than: Melissa. Ever since Joe had pointed it out, the fact had been tapping away at him constantly. He didn't like feeling this way. Not one bit. But what could he do? Absolutely nothing; besides sulk and continue staring over where Melissa now chatted nonchalantly with Chase and Noen — who was sat in the seat in front of the duo. Josh could just feel the temptation to go break up the conversation gnawing at him relentlessly. He didn't want to act like a jerk, especially in front of Melissa, but he was beginning to think there was no other choice as her hand touched Chase's arm for the hundredth time that bus ride ( not that Josh was trying to keep count or anything ). He groaned under his breath and shifted his vision away from the trio and onto his black-screened phone in his hand. It lit up, showing a message from a girl named 'Nessa', who he'd talked to only thrice before. The brunette didn't have an opinion of her; she was pretty but to him, not his type. Clearing the notification, Josh instead tried to distract himself with sleep and simply pray that the bus ride to the hotel would be done when he opened his eyes next.

✧ ✧ ✧

Josh felt as though he could jump with joy as Joe shook him awake to let him know they'd arrived. Finally, he felt more at ease than he had in the last four hours. Mainly due to the fact that while he was passed out, that meant utterly no thinking about Melissa or his weird, new feelings.

Pushing a hand through his messy hair, the brunette rubbed at his eyes before yawning and standing. His legs felt like jell-o, but it felt amazing to finally be standing. Stretching briefly, he heard a small pop signalling he cracked something, so he straightened himself out and grabbed his backpack from the floor. Beginning to line up with everyone else at the door, he listened intently for his name and room number; as well, along with who he'd be rooming with. If he was lucky, it would be nowhere near Melissa or Chase. His feelings for Melissa were too confusing and he'd rather not have to face them head on; and Chase... well he was just bugging the brunette too much.

"Okay," Trevor muttered, scanning the list as he stood at the front of the bus with a small crowd of kids staring at him waiting for their hotel rooms. "I have here in room 302, Anthony and Griffin!" He threw the keycard packet towards the boys who caught it with ease. "Um, in the big room, we have..." Everyone was giddy at the announcement as to who would have this room. "Josh," he fist-pumped into the air. "Chase," this caused his moment of celebration to falter, but he attempted to not let it show. "and, well this is not the usual, but, Melissa!" Trevor three the keycard packet towards Josh, who was too caught up in his own 'sorry train' to catch it. Causing it to smack him right in the face as he zoned out entirely. A small round of giggles circled the bus as Josh stuttered out an apology and swiftly snatched the keycard packet from the floor of the tour bus. After Trevor finished calling out a few more names and rooms, he allowed the teenagers to set off into the hotel and finally get some well deserved rest and freedom for the night.

But, as Josh ventured off the bus with Melissa and Chase just behind him, he couldn't help but wonder what was to come with the next week in the hotel.

𝙖/𝙣: 𝗎𝗉𝖽𝖺𝗍𝖾𝖽 𝗐𝗁𝗈𝗈𝗍 𝗐𝗁𝗈𝗈𝗍!

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