To the boy, I've always watched destroy himself

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To all the smoke and ashes that the wind took away, along with his tears and pain he'd kept hidden inside.
Each stick burned memories that should've been long forgotten.
Each puff should've blown away all his worries and what-ifs in life.
But the nicotine clinged deep;
Deep within his fingers, mouth and insides.
The bottles of liquors spent during those endless nights, drowning his pleading screams and crying heart.
The blade used to cut deep within his soul, a gentle reminder he used to keep himself sane.
To keep himself grounded, burying his roots deeper below.
Those dripping lines, the lines we both adored and shared, beneath those hidden sleeves and perfectly carved smiles.
I'm sorry love, for watching you bleed and break in front of me.
I'm sorry for I, myself can't pull you out from that void of darkness devouring you whole and alive.
I'm sorry for letting you destroy every bit of pieces left of you.
I'm sorry for being too shattered, when everything I wanted to do, was to fill the gaps inside of you.
To make you feel whole and complete, when you were the one who destroyed me, and made me feel incomplete.

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