° One

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"Min-Seo, you received a package," Jun said, handing Min-Seo a package 

"Thanks," Min-Seo grabbed the package, opening it 

Min-Seo eyebrows furrowed together. 'What is this?' She took the materials out of it. A stack of paper, focusing on articles of a specific celebrity. 'Did someone accidentally sent me this?' Min-Seo went through the articles then finding a folded paper in the package box. 

'This may seem odd to you, but I couldn't give this to you in person as I'm out of the office. I've decided to give you another project. As you probably read from the articles, you'll be interviewing and writing an article on Jang Mang-Ho. He was in a scandal with a diplomatic son, so I trust you to do your best. I've written some questions I want you to ask him. Remember if he doesn't want to speak about it then move onto the next question. Do your best, Min-Seo. I trust you with this.

"Holy shit," Min-Seo mumble, rereading the letter

She couldn't believe Sunny was giving her a hot topic. 'I can't let Sunny down. I gotta do my research before I meet him.' Min-Seo looked through the printed articles, highlighting the important facts and writing it down in her notebook.


Min-Seo's phone rang, disrupting her concentration. She picked it up, seeing the caller ID, Mr. Sorry. 'Why is he calling me?' Min-Seo answered the call.

"Hello, this is Moon Min-Seo," She said

"I know. I've called you to let you know that I have Thursday off, so you can interview me," Jinyoung said 

"Okay, let me check my schedule,"
Min-Seo looked at her calendar and checked. She didn't have anything important expect a conference meeting. Her meeting with Jang Mang-Ho is Tuesday, which was tomorrow. 


"Oh, sorry. I was just checking my calendar. I have a meeting in the morning, but that seems about it," Min-Seo stated 

"Then, Thursday it is. We can go in the evening or afternoon,"

"Where would we go?"

"Just leave that to me,"

"You know, I'm supposed to be the one to pick the place, but I'll hand that responsibility over to you," Min-Seo said, a smile resting on her face 

"I'm fine with that. I'll see you Thursday,"

"See you Thursday," Min-Seo hung up first

Min-Seo looked for the interview questions for Park Jinyoung. Two interviews in the same week with two famous people. What a busy week.


Min-Seo sat at the table, waiting for Jang Mang-Ho. He was supposed to be at the private room at 10am, but 10 minutes have passed. Min-Seo texted Sunny, telling her that Mang-Ho is 10 minutes late. Sunny replied to wait as cameras/ photographers are following him everywhere. 40 minutes have passed and he's still not here. Min-Seo was already getting impatient. She called the manger of Jang Mang-Ho.

"He still hasn't arrived?" The manager asked

"No. Do you know where he could be?" Min-Seo asked

"No. I'll contact his bodyguard and Mang-Ho to fin-"

"You're his manager and you don't know where he's at.  You should be escorting him as well, but I guess not. Try to contact him and call me to keep me updated," Min-Seo hung up

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