° Ending

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It wasn't easy for Min-Seo and Jinyoung. Their relationship ending because Min-Seo stole and lost the diary of Jinyoung's mother.

When Min-Seo left Jinyoung's apartment that day, she went home scared and frightened that Jinyoung would act like that to her. She looked around her apartment to find that notebook, but came up with nothing. She only had the copies she made. She kept her distance from Jinyoung and Mang-Ho, not wanting to anger them, but wonders who was that woman in the canvas and if that was her notebook that meant so much to Jinyoung.

Jinyoung, on the other hand, was a mess. He couldn't believe that his girlfriend would snoop through his things and steal something so important to him and lose it, but make copies before. It was his fault for not telling her and not hiding it well, but most of all he felt betrayed. Mang-Ho stayed with him as much as possible, but work became a problem.

June 13th

Today, mark the first week of their break up and Ava decided to get answers from Mang-Ho to know why her best friend is heartbroken.

"So, why did you call me here?" Mang-Ho asked, sitting down in front of her

"What did Jinyoung do to Min-Seo? She's so heartbroken and scared," Ava stated

"Why don't you ask her since it's her fault in the first place?" Mang-Ho remarked

"How is this her fault? Jinyoung pushed her against the wall and screamed at her while throwing things. So please elaborate on what Min-Seo did to receive that treatment," Ava asked, glaring at him

"Look, I'm not here to argue with you about who's wrong. I just want to know why you called me here?" Mang-Ho sighed

"Why did they break up?" Ava asked

"Min-Seo broke the trust between the both of them. She stole something that didn't belong to her, made copies and lost it," Mang-Ho said

"And what did she take? Was it a notebook because she keeps asking if I had taken one from her apartment?" Ava asked, "because if it was then that's a stupid reason to break up," She scoffed

"You know, you're really testing my patience," Mang-Ho dryly chuckled

"Then leave and I'll keep the fact that Jinyoung broke up with Min-Seo for a lost notebook," Ava shrugged, "Wow! What a real man," Ava taunted, slowly clapping

Mang-Ho had enough. He slammed his hands on the table, attracting attention.

"I've had enough you. You think this is funny just because the relationship ended because of a notebook, which in reality it's a diary. Well, let me tell you something, that diary was the last thing Jinyoung had of his mother, but now that's gone since your criminal of a friend stole it, made copies, and lost it. And I'm sorry, that Min-Seo is going through a tough time, but she isn't having it hard as Jinyoung. He will never be able to read his own mother's handwriting or memories, she wrote because of Min-Seo's mistake," Mang-Ho exclaimed, breathing heavily, "I also want the copies Min-Seo made since it's not hers to keep. Call me when you get it. If I don't hear you in a day or two. I'll just go to Min-Seo's apartment,"

And with that, Mang-Ho left. Ava sat there, dumbfounded on what just happened. She sat there for a while and left to Min-Seo's apartment.


Ava unlocked the front door, walking inside, closing it behind her.

"Min-Seo, are you home?" Ava asked, walking around the apartment

Surprisingly the whole place was clean. Ava walked to Min-Seo's room, slowly opening the door. She poked her head inside, not seeing a figure in the bed. Ava walked in and started to look through the room for the copies.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2020 ⏰

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