Lampo Arc-intuder at the ball

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Lampo POV

    I am now standing in front of a mirror tidying my suit. It's rare for me to wear a suit because I feel like it's very formal .I like my normal attires more, just a normal white flanel shirt with a blue pants.

    I'm just wearing the suit now because…well Vongola kind of decided to held a ball. We invited many other famiglia and this was supposed to be a formal reception so I was forced by G to put this suit on.

     After I finish tidying my suit I walk down the stairs to meet with the other guardians. We all agree to meet at the second floor to make a grand entrance together with Giotto-nii.

    "Tch! You're the last one to arrive. Can't you be faster next time!" G says while glare at me. "Yare yare Lampo-sama doesn't care about all this ."I let out a sigh and continue "it's actually better for me if I doesn't have to present. " G look pisses and I am about to get hit me before Giotto-nii stop him.

     "Let's all go in right now. "Giotto-nii  then open the door and walk into the ballroom with all the guardians. As soon as we step into the ballroom, it fall into silence. Giotto-nii then step in front and give a speech about how he welcome everyone and hope that they have a good time etc etc.

      All the guest clap their hands after Giotto-nii finish his speech and with that the ball is officially starts.
    For the whole event I stay at the corner not in the mood of dancingas ther are many thoughts in my mind.
I look around to see how the other guardians is doing .
     G of course as the right hand man is a accompanying Giotto-nii to great all the guest. Giotto-nii is wearing his normal suit and a cape while G was wearing a red suit. Asari is in a dark blue suit provided by G because he do not own one. All Asari clothes is japaneese style so he usually wear the other guardians clothing when it come to official event like this.

    Knuckle is in his Priest robe as usual and he is staying at the corner too probably have the same reason as me. Alaude is no where to be seen but that is expected for the social hating cloud. Daemon on the other hand is in his normal French military clothes and is talking to a few ladies. As an aristocrat this event just seem like a normal routine for him.

    I observe my famiglia for a while before letting out a heavy sigh. 'How will they react if they know I'm not who I am? " I look up again to see the others a glint of guilty in my heart. I lied to them I'm not who I said I am. But still I love my famiglia in the bottom of my heart. 'Maybe…I sould confess after the ball. Yeah…yeah…I should do that I'm going to tell them who I am, I'm going to tell them that I'm not a normal civilian, that I'm not a son of a landlord .I'm going to tell them everything.'

   *boom* *bang*

    In a split of eyes,a loud exploding sound erupt and there are many dusts covering my sight. I crouch down as there are rubbles flying everywhere. After it die down many famiglia have their weapon out and is aiming at the blown wall. This stay for a while but addly enough no one come through the wall.

    Sensing that somethings not right, Giotto-nii asked all the guests to leave through the other door. Knuckle immediately guude them away and all the guardians gather at the centre of the ballroom including Alaude who return after hearing the explode.

     All this while I am watching the event at the side observing the situation. '*sigh*  maybe the confessing part should wait. ' I stay at the corner for a while before heading to the center where the guardians all are.

'It's time to put on my facade again. '

   I sigh then I take in a deep breath and start wailing "Waa … Giotto-nii what was that! "I put on a look that I'm on the verge of tears.

   "Lampo it's fine. Don't worry. "Asari say flshing me his signature smile. He put his hand on my shoulder and lit his rain flame. Trying to calm me down as he thought that I was scared of course I was acting but the rain flame did help me think clearly.

  "Lampo, stay back. "Giotto-nii say and push me to the back of the group. All the other guardians and Knuckle who come running back goes into fighting stance.

    They all prepare to fight as they heard some footsteps heading toward us. A man then come into our view. He is wearing a black suit and he is releasing some really strong lightning flame.I stare at him not because his strong flame but at his hand.

    On his hand there is a green rose tatoo.I widen my eyes and stare at the tatoo as some memory start making it's way to my brain……

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