G Arc-Family Always Stick Together

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Giotto POV

I was sitting in front of my desk , finishing my document. But at a sudden, my intuition told me that something went terribly wrong. I immediately dropped my pen and rushed out to the lobby. The others also rushed out sencing my anxiety.

"Giotto, is there something wrong to the ULIMATE? "Knuckle asked.

I didn't reply to Knuckle's question. "Is anyone hurt? "I asked worriedly .

I saw Asari and Knuckle looking at me curiously while Daemon was grinning. Alaude was just leaning on a wall maintaining some distance with us. Something strike me almost immediately as I looked at all of my guardians.

"Where is G and Lampo? "

I started to panic as I felt G and Lampo was alerted as if they are going into a battle. Asari came closer and used his rain flames to calm me down.

After I'm calm I looked up only to realise that Alaude and Daemon is gone. We rushed outside only in time to see Daemon standing in front of Alaude holding his scythe .

"ULIMATELY don't fight. "Kuckle said

"Then asked this traitor to move. "Alaude replied.

"I didn't betrayed Vongola. "Daemon said glaring at Alaude.

"You will, one day. "Alaude said emotionless.

Just as Daemon about to fight Alaude. I stepped in. "Alaude where are you going? "

He didn't replied.

"You know something didn't you. "I asked again. But still no replied was made.

"Alaude. "I said a little bit more firm.

He sighed. "G asked me for some information on the Rosert Famiglia before. "

And that is all he needed to say for me to figure out G's plan.

I ordered our Butler to prepare the vehicle and we head to the Rosert Lightning Research Lab which was were presumably they went.

As soon as we got there, we found out that there was many guards there. So we have no way but fight our way through. According to Alaude information the research lab got the last guards among the Rosert Fagmilia but it seems that G and Lampo intruders alerted them.

We all only have one aim in our mind that is save G and Lampo. When we finally reach the end of the corridor we make the wrong choice and decided to head up instead of down we faught to the top floor and was meet with a shocking scene. There was many kids range from 5-10 years old there. They were all chained to the wall and was marked with a rose tattoo with different color probably referring to their flame.

The rose was a sign. A sign that your a part of the Rosert famiglia. Lampo didn't get one because he was suppose to be a spy and that mark would spoiled his cover.

Seeing so many children here raised my rage. I was already worried about G and Lampo ,this scene just turned my worry into angry.

I lower my head and said. "Free them." Following my order. Alaude and Knuckle proceed to break all the children free. But even after breaking those chains, the children were still to scare to flee even if we told them to.

Tampering with others memory is usually something I prohibited Daemon to do but I'll make an exception for this. I asked Daemon to erase their memory here.

After that I turned around and march out the room. I was about to go out of control and kill all those guards but was eventually stopped by Knuckle.

My hand was covered with sky flames. I walked towards the guards with my hair covering my eyes. 'I couldn't except this, I couldn't except what the Rosert do. Since I heard about Lampo story it took all of my self-control to stop me from waging a war with them. But now this is too much.'

I raised my fist and about to punch through their chest but my hand was grabbed. I raised my head to see that it was Knuckle.

"Knuckle let me go. "I growled.

"No. Giotto I know that you're angry  I am too…"he sighed before continue.

"But we can't do this. YOU can't do this. "He said.

"Pls …." He begged

I stayed in that position for a while before slowly lowering my hand. I walkes away quickly with Knickle trailing behind me. I turned around a corner and faced Knuckle. "Thanks…"I said with a small smile. And we both returned to the room that the children were.

After freeing the children, we made our way down the stairs and into the basement just in time to see G holding a seriously injured Lampo on the floor.

I saw a man that fit Lampo subscription about the doctor (or the scientist in G point of view) lit up his ring and was about to give them the final blow. But what even surprising is that G made no action to defence himself. I along with the other guardians jumped in front of the both of them with me saying. "Don't you dare give up, G"

Alaude took out his could flames coated cuff and cuffed the doctor at the same time Daemon materialize some chain to chain him down. I threw a hard punch at him that he got thrown to the back of the room.

Knuckle and Asari helped Lampo and G to the safer place in the room for Knuckle to treat them.

Daemon, Alaude and I faught the doctor while Asari guards the injured and Knuckle.

We quickly got the upper hand and the doctor was force to the window. But before we were able to capture him. The doctor ginned at us and jumped out of the building. We looked down to find nothing. Alaude pursuit him immeidietly. 

I walked towards G and he stood up with the help of Asari when he saw me coming.

"I'm sorry, Giotto. I don't ---I thought --I …"his word was stopped as I raised my hand. He looked down with guilt.

I just smiled and said. "It's fine, G. Don't think of the consequences first now we focus on healing Lampo." He raised his head slightly and noded.

"G…."I called out.

"Family always stick together. No matter what decision one of them made. "

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