Lampo Arc- Hide Under The Blanket

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Lampo POV

It's been a week after the 'incident', I've been trying to avoid them after it. I just...don't know how to face them. My emotion was mixed, I was confused. I stayed on my bed for the whole week, tried to sleep off everything.

It is the same for today, I stay on my bed and cover my balnket over my head. I didn't stepped out of this room since yesterday. I want to fall asleep as if everything didn't happened, as if everything was normal. But I can't no matter how tired I am physically and mentally something keep me awake.

I heard no sound from the outside. Usually this will be wierd but consider how this week has been going ,I didn't bother much. That is until a certain red hair man knocked my door angrily...

"Tch!! Lampo come out of your room right now !" G growl angrily. He sound like he was annoyed but I know him enough to know that there is also a thread of worry in it.

I made no movement to unlock the door or even left the bed. I just stay where I am. No longer after I sense a strong storm flame burst into life, seems like G was trying to break the door.

I heard many footsteps after that, follow with some scolding sound. It mainly came form Giotto-nii scolding G for trying to break the door and how much paperwork it will cost. It continue for a while before it die down. Just as I thought it was over and they will leave me alone, some keys jiggling sound prove me wrong.

I muttered some curse under the blanket. I should have known it. Giotto-nii own this mansion of course he has the key to every room. The door was quickly unlock and was opened. G stalled inside the room.

He stopped in front of my bed, and said in a deep tone "it's enough. Get up now. "He sound was so deep unlike his usual sound. I was shocked but still I made no movement.

He clicked his tongue and I heard some gun cocking sound. I lower my blanket and peered at G. My eyes widen when I saw a gun aiming at me. Because of the blanket I didn't see anything other that the gun and the red hair. And that two thing again trigger my memory...

I was whimpering on the floor. I can't take this anymore. They attack me everyday to test my flame limit and everyday I have to fend off myself with my flame until I pass out only to be lock in a cell and continue tomorrow.

In front of me today is a red hair teenager. I can't make out his face clearly maybe it is because of my blood covering my eyes. He aimed a gun at me and fire it at an amazing speed. I keep on my electric flame barrier to keep the bullet from hitting me.

The test goes on until I felt my eyes closing. However before I was consume by the darkness completely I saw a conversation between the teenager and the scientist that conduct the test.

'Tch! He pass out again.'said the teenager. The scientist glance at us before continuing his work. Some scribbling sound could be heard presumably recording my data before he look up."Your job ks finish here. "He said to the teenager. "You may leave. "He said as he motion for the guard standing by the door to haul me up, back to my cell.

Surprisingly the teenager didn't move, he stared at the scientist and the guard seeming to be demanding answer. "What!? "The scientist asked annoyingly.

"You told me that I was about to interrogate some filthy mafia member that did unforgivable things." The teenager walk towards the scientist and look uo to met his eyes.

"Mind telling me why am I attacking a five years old boy now? "He asked. The scientist glare distastefully at him for a while before turning to look at the side.

"You're just a kid on the streets. I have no need to answer your question. Guards! Take the boy out now! "

The guards move towards me but was stopped by the teenager. He aimed the gun at them. The scientist let out a grin and said "Oh no. You just made a bad decision. "The guards took out their guns too and aim at the teenager.

The teenager smile and reply "You don't know what I'm capable of. "He fire his gun but unlike the bullet he fire at me just now. The bullet he fire now is coated with strom flame. The bullet misses the scientist by a hair and hit the wall behind him. The wall was blown off right after.

The scientist looked at the wall before saying "You have active storm flame. "

"So what! "Answer the teenager

"The flames was recently discovered that's why many mafia famiglia was doing 'research' on it " the scientist said, seems to be deep in thought. "You're amusing. "The scientist look up at the teenager.

The teen-ager tighten his grip on his gun and aimed it at the scientist. "Don't worry I have no intention on hurting you. " the scientist said.

"About the kid...You know how all the mafia fagmilia have their children trained since they were small. "He smiled. "He is one of them and trust me ...even if he is young he did many unforgivable things."

'No! My father sell me to these guys just to have a good relation with the mafia so that his business will be protected . I'm not a mafia.' I tried to tell the teen-ager but unfortunately I have no energy left to even said something.

I lied there looking at the teen-ager. He seems unconvinced but then was persuade when the scientist threw the reality in his face. "You're just a kid on the streets I can always stop hiring you. It made no effect on me."

He come face to face with the teen-ager. "However was it the same for you? I know how the situation is for kids like you. You may starve to death if you didn't have this job. "

He pause before continue. "Is it worth it? To lost your income just because of a mafia kid? "

The teen-ager glance at me before turn back to face the scientist and keep quiet. At that moment I knew I lost my chance of escaping and that my life ends here. I felt my eyelids closing and I fell into darkness.

"...mpo. Lampo! "I was snapped back from my thought. All the guardians was now standing in front of my bed and looking at me worriedly.

I quickly recover and pull my blanket over my head again, not wanting to face them. And this action seems to pissed of G. He grab my blanket and yanked it away from me.

"Get up! Stop acting like a wuss. ". He then grab my collar and pull me out of my bed. I lost my balance and fell onto the floor. Knuckle try to stop G but then Giotto-nii give him a look that stop him.

G grab me up from the floor and pull me into the bathroom that was connected to my room. He filled the bathtub with water and dipped my head in it.

I struggle to breath under the water. I tried to wriggle out from G's grab but to no avail. Until I start coughing only G release me.

I cough out the water and drop onto the floor. After I manage to caught my breath. G dragged me again. This time to the dining room. He sat me on the chair and place some food in front of me. "Eat." He said.

I refused and stood up. Giotto-nii then came to me face to face."Lampo." He said while look me in the eyes. We stayed like that for a while before ei unwilling ly sat back down on the chair.

I looked at the food in front of me but made no movement to put them in my mouth. Surprisingly Daemon speak up. "You want to eat yourself or I stuff it down your throat? "He said with a creepy aura but I know that despite how he usually act. He still care about us very much.

But still, I didn't move. Until Giotto-nii patted my head. "Eat first. You'll need it after that, we'll talk. Alright." He said. I then obeyed and start putting the spaghetti in my mouth.

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