G Arc-It is over

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Daemon POV

We're back to the mansion after everything is over. Knuckle did some first aid on Lampo on site but he is still unconscious. G looked better but he is put on bed rest by Knuckle. Both of them is now in the medical wing.

Alaude came back not long after to inform us that the doctor had dissapeared but he already ordered the CEDEF to investigate. Normally I would teased him for his fail capture but even I knew that this wasn't the time to say such a word.

The tension was thick as we all sat together at the meeting room but no one said anything. With the two of us lying on the bed ,none of us really know what to say.

Giotto has burried his head in his arm once he sat down. He must be thinking about what G had told him. G told us about his past on our way back. That thing happened before he met Giotto but knowing Giotto he must be blaming himself for some stupid reason.

In the middle of our silence my eyes met with Asari's and he shown me a faint smile. I always don't understand that Japanese man ability to smile in any circumstances. But he seems to be understand what I'm thinking because of his next action.

"It's not your fault, Giotto. "Asari said while looking at Giotto.

Giotto slowly raised his head and looked up at Asari. "Not my fault…? How come it's not my fault! "He shouted.

With his hair covering his eyes ,he said queitly . "I knew G since a long time ago. How can I failed to see his past. "

Seeing the tension raised even more. I piped up. "As an illusionist, I can easily see through someone's past. But I can never see through someone's heart. If a person simply not willing to share his past, we simply wouldn't know. "

After I finished, Knuckle and Alaude looked at me as if they just saw the sun rise from the west.

Giotto seems a little bit relieved but still depressed. At this time Knuckle said. "It's over. "

All of us give him our attention as he continued. "It's all over. Let's not continued on this matter. "

He sighed. "OK!! NOW LET US ALL ULIMATELY PUT ALL THAT BEHIND US AND GO VISIT LAMPO AND G!!! "He said suddenly with his loud voice shocking me for a little.

But still all of us smile, even Alaude had a faint smile for a breif second before returned to his stoic face. And we all made our way to the medical room.

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