Daily Arc- Reminded

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' Tonight. I'm going to carry out my plan. ' I make a decision in my heart, a big decision to put an end to this . But before that I'll have a last dinner with them...

I walk into the dining room and take my place beside Giotto. Knuckle and Asari already seated there. "Hey, you ULIMATELY OK? "Knuckle askes me. Asari also look at me with this question. I look at the both of them and reply. "Of course, idiot. "

Both of them look somehow relief at my answer. I've been careful with my choice of word ever since I make the plan I'll never let them be involve with this.

At this time, some mist fill the whole room and when the mist disperse, Daemon appear on his chair.
"Nufufufu...hi, guys. "He said with his creepy aura .

Not long after, Lampo come into the rokm. I stare at him. He is one of the reason I make my decision to do it. He notice my stare and look at me with doubt. I quickly shift away with that.

Alaude trail into the room at this time. As usual he didn't say a word and seat at his place. He look at me knowingly. Although I didn't tell him
Why I need the information but I suspect that he already know what I'm planning. Until now he make no move to stop me so I guessing that he want it too.

Giotto come into the room. He is greet by all of us. He sit down and ask the maids to serve our food. We dig in and make a few conversation like usual, everything is like usual.

After dinner, I go into my room I take out my bow . This bow is given to me by Giotto, he asked me to do what I think is right with this. And now I think what I'm about to do is right.
Just as I am about to head out, someone knock on my door. I quickly hide my bow and open the door surprisingly it is Lampo.

Lampo look at me and ask with his usual lazy tone. "You keep on staring at me in the dinner is anything wrong? "

"No, there's nothing wrong you lazy brat. "I reply and try to close the door but he stop my action. He walk into my room without my permission and close the door behind him. I want to chase him out but his words stop me.

"I know you're planning something, G. "He said to me. I keep on my annoyed face and acy as if I'm bored by his word.

"Drop the acting!" He said .

I know I can't keep this in anymore so I come clean with him. "I am planning something that Giotto may not agree with but believe me it is not reckless. I planned this for a long time already. "

Lampo look at me with eyes that is full of doubt and worry. Some of his hair cover his eyes and it reminded me of a scene.

"I aimed the gun at a green hair kid. I once suspicious of the motive of the scientist /doctor that gave me order to fire. But I believe him that he was just testing them and they were the bad mafia member. I should have doubt him even more but I didn't. I believe him. And on his order I have hurt many teens and children.

'Fire' he order. I pulled the trigger, the billet penetrate the barrier the green hair kid put on. He was way too exhausted until he can't keep the barier up. The bullet grazed is on the shoulder and he drop onto the floor. He looked at me worriedly. He was scared, fear was obvious in his eyes.

'Take him to his cell.' Ordered the doctor and he was taken back to his cell. I was paid afterwards and I head back to share I came from like nothing ever happen. '

"...G...G! "Lampo bring me out of my trance. "What are you thinking? You have those far away look." I regain my posture and tell his that there's nothing to be worry about .I push him out of my room after that and I take out my bow once again.

'Those memory...why am I reminded of that certain kid of all the people I have hurt.' As I thought of that kid, Lampo suddenly pop into my mind.

"Lampo also 'test' by the Rosert... Don't tell me that...he's that kid..." I lower my head. I decide to carry out the plan. The plan to destroy the Rosert because what I have done. I hurt many people in the past but I never thought of what happen if I meet them once again. Nevertheless live with one of them.

Guilt is eating me though all these years. I regret what I have done and I try to redeem it now. I tighten my grip on the bow and I jump down to the backyard through my window. I can't risk getting find out by going through the front door so I have to go through the forest behind the mansion to go out.

I took one last peek at the mansion specifically at Lampo room and by tht I walk into the forest.

"I'll swear I'll make this right. I'll free you, Lampo from your childhood nightmare. "

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