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Chapter 1: "Shadow of the Sun"

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Beyond the open door of the plane and down on the tarmac, about twenty vampires awaited our arrival. I recognized some of them, but most were unknown to me.

After a moment, I locked eyes with Eliza who glared at me with unveiled hatred. Fuuuuck. She still had a bone to pick with me, huh? Great.

Out of curiosity, as we walked down the steps I glanced at Carbry to gauge his reaction and saw him glaring at one of the vampires waiting to greet us.

The expression Car wore was one I'd never seen on his face. He was utterly enraged, looking every part the scary monster I knew he could be.

Still, despite his unfathomable anger, he gave my hand a reassuring squeeze, a small gesture imperceptible to everyone else. Something about this guy put Car on edge, which didn't bode well for what was about to come.

When we reached the bottom, the vampire at whom Carbry had been glaring moved forward and stuck out his hand for Car to shake. My King Vampire regarded him with a sense of disdain and did not offer his free hand in return to the guy's gesture.

I stared curiously at the other vampire while struggling to conceal my amused smirk. Even if I had no idea vampires were real, I'd think this creep was one: pale, long black hair tied with a ribbon, cape, fangs permanently exposed.

I fought the urge to make a joke about the guy drawing fashion inspiration from Bela Lugosi's Dracula, but Car's uncharacteristically strong reaction to the man prevented me from making any snide remarks.

If I remembered my impromptu plane lessons from Car about who I should watch out for, this was one of the dangerous ones from the Head Order. However, I couldn't for the life of me remember the guy's name or why he was a danger, just that he was a royal pain in Car's ass.

With a resigned sigh, Eliza walked over to us so that she stood on Carbry's right, a subtle show of her loyalty to my...whatever Carbry was to me. I stood on his left, my hand still in his.

The creep finally spoke, "Brother." Gods, he had a literal Eastern European accent. He was fucking Dracula. Wait, brother?

Car smiled at him mirthlessly. His disgust was evident in the way he said the other vampire's name, "Berislav, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

The vampire smiled widely, ignoring Car's tone and opening his arms in an expression of mock cordiality. "I hear my little brother has finally taken a mate. I had to be the first to congratulate you."

He paused, frowning before adding, "But a human? At first, I couldn't believe it. And to take such a unique lover at that..."

He tisked, European accent adding an odd lilt to the noise. "Philomena is quite displeased."

Car laughed, but it was without any joy. "Ah, brother, it has been a long time since I was concerned by what Philomena thinks of me."

The other vampire didn't seem offended by Car's words, at least he hid his offense well.

Greetings out of the way, he turned his attention to me, dark eyes turned reddish in the exterior lights of the small airport. "Ah, you must be the enchanting Meriwa." The freak literally bowed and held out his hand as if to take mine and kiss it. I didn't offer my hand to him.

I looked at him, deadpan before I finally replied, "Forgive me if I don't shake your hand. I don't trust anyone who characterizes me as 'enchanting'."

He smiled, giving me his disingenuous and unnerving grin as he retracted his offered hand, seemingly unaffected by my words. Despite my intentional rudeness, he continued as normal, "I must admit, I'm curious about what my brother sees in you, especially considering how...invaluable your existence could be, for the Order, I mean."

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