Mercenary x Gardener

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AaaaAAa To whoever requested this.... I'm sorry but If I made it a smut.... It wouldn't be normaaaal Aaaaaack.... I'll try making one tho >n> I'm sorry...


My stories starts off at something cliché, with of course, survivors having a nice night  at the living room. I don't know how you keep on reading my stories with the same beginning but congratulations!

All of them are either tickling or like... yelling at each other, it was all nice and fun. It was the anniversary, of course the hunters have their own party but yeah. Different manor y'know.

It was currently 11:27 pm and the survivors are having a crazy night, like a slumber party sort of thing.

All huddled up in the living room eating  chips and drinking.... milk... wow. They made a list of what to do actually.

First was dancing, which happened 2 hours ago. Then the eating because eating is fun, it's still happening lol. They also played truth or dare! (Was I supposed to add it tho?) And currently they're telling horror stories like a buncha kids and eating.

With a blanket on and chips and cookies by their side. Emily went to the center because it's her turn to tell a story.

Taking a candle on her hand, she lifts it up and began to tell a story she made up because that's what I do at slumber parties.

Everyone listened and huddled up more that it's literally so hot because they're all in a blanket. Some chomped on cookies because mMmmM cookies.

The doctor proceeded on her story on how she went to the morgue alone that one night with a candle and someone tapped on her shoulder then she turned around and saw a person smiling, blowing the candle as she screamed.

Emily blew the candle she was holding and Lucky guy screamed. Emily, beside the mecenary hugged him with her eyes closed tight. Almost everyone was freaking, it was so dark.

"HOLY SHIT, SOMEONE LIT A CANDLE-" Lucky was cut off as the Lawyer held his flashlight and opened it just under his chin.

"aAaAAaaAA- O MY GOD, THOSE THEET ARE SCARING ME-" He screamed yet again making the Lawyer frown.

Emma hugged him tightly and Naib just made an 'aww' sound. Emily giggled flickering match and putting it on the candle.

"Bunch of scaredy cats" she said standing and going back to her spot, beside Aesop because she had a lil crush on him but still, Joseph is daddy.

"Hey Hey it's fine now- wow that's too tight-" Naib started "Oof, Im sorry, I shouldn't have done that."
"No no no, It's fine....  I did like it actually." He muttered the last sentence but loud enough for her to hear.

She giggled "Can I... hug you again? I mean it's-" "ABSOLUTELY" The whole room was staring at the both of them whispering to each other and giggling.

Emma blushes as everyone teased them while Naib's got that poker face.  

Everyone then proceeded, with Aesop and his creepy horror stories such as.... putting make up on dead people and with Some adventure stories from Kurt then all of they're story telling ended with everyone cheering on Eli to tell his 'experience' with our tall tentacle boy.

Emma hugged him all the way the whole stuff that happened. Naib slyly made his way to Emma's shoulder with his right arm. How cute.

Everyone then began to feast on the food and doodled on the face of the nice people that slept earlier than them.... which are Kreacher, Servais and William. Oh and Vera, because she needs beauty sleep and everyone knows the fab gurl would freak if she knew about the mustache and penis that was drawn on her face.

They're all on sugar rush and giggled the whole night. Finally getting tired, they all drank their milk and went to their sleeping spots to sleep, blowing the candles and saying goodnight to each other.

After a few minutes of silence, Emma made her way to Naib, startling him a bit as he rubbed his eyes.

"Let's cuddle- shhhh" She said laying down and pulling him down as they cuddled.

They were probably the last to sleep. Jeezus. They can't sleep because they can hear loud moans from the other manor just beside theirs.

Lucky guy also was shook and sits up, looking around for others that are awake and spotting the 'couple' I guess.

"Can you guys hear that? Holy shit, it's like..." he stops and checks his watch "2:00 in the morning what the farts" He whispered.

He then took the lawyer's flashlight and they scanned all together if the other's are awake....

One thing made the three of them gawk......

Aesop's gone......


-I don't know if y'all think it's sCaRy or *wiggles eyebrows* something hot it's happening.... I don't know either UmU.... Might be a ghost..... Might be Joe or.... >w> hihihihihi

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