Victor x Reader

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"H-Here, I've got a new one." You started. "Y-You're like the rain, you know why?" You wheezed after saying that, barely able to keep your laugh.
"W-Why?" Norton asked.
"Because if the dog d-doesn't clap, the apple will s-s-smile-" Both of you started to laugh. This is so silly.

Norton then started coughing, wiping the tears in his eyes. "O-Okay my turn, I found this in youtube-" He started.
"Are you the Star in Starbucks?"
"Pff- w-why?"
"Because you're the star in my life-"

You laughed hysterically at Norton's not really funny joke. It's funny because it didn't make sense and yes, you're easily entertained. You continued on laughing until your stomach hurt and for you to fall off the couch. You whimpered and held on your stomach, "S-Staaaawp. I can't breathe-" You both laughed together and then calmed down for a second when Victor and Kurt entered the room.

"H-Hah. Wassup yoo." You managed to not laugh anymore and greeted them. Not until you heard wheezing as you slowly looked back at Norton who was trying to keep his voice down. You both laughed again until you've calmed down. "Stop laughing! I'll stab you!" You threatened. The two other survivors sat across the couch you were laying on earlier.

You stood up, winked and wiggled your eyebrows playfully at Victor. Eh, I mean it's just a friend thing you do, though he blushed. 'What. How is he easily flustered.' Your dumbass thought. You tried winking and wiggling your eyebrows at Norton but he did the hand guns to you. Not flustered at all. Well you were close I guess.

After thinking for a moment about what to entertain you again, you thought about the huge piano at the hunter's manor. And if they go sneaking here, what if you snuck in there too? I mean let's face it, they almost burnt the kitchen down, a broken piano would make it fair. Also the fact that it's newly bought by Ms. Nightingale makes you pout, so unfair.

You tugged on Norton's sleeves, "Hey, Snort. Wanna play the piano with me?" You looked at him with mischief in your eyes. "No, man. I don't know how to play aND STOP CALLING ME THAT!" He points at you playfully. "Okay, Snort." He then rolled his eyes.

You stood up and rolled your eyes at him, making faces to annoy him even more. P r e t t y  b i- p o l a r hm m m.
You walked up to Victor and tapped his shoulder. "Wanna go play the piano with me? We aren't that close so we can like talk! Or something! Let's go!" You pulled on his elbow, making him stand up immediately and follow you while pulled on him. "Why bother asking me if you're gonna take me with you anyway?" He laughs at your silly act.

You shrugged and took a turn down the hall, and climbed on the window that secretly connects to the hunter's manor. You, Norton and Naib just found that recently. You guys snuck in to steal their pop-tarts and a few soda cans. It's amusing how you guys can hear them pointing at each other on whoever stole their stuff. Anywho, you climbed and hopped on the other window.

You looked behind Victor who was just climbing up shyly, probably having second thoughts about coming with you. "Isn't this illegal?" He asked, his face unsure. "Is playing piano illegal? I mean they also come to our mansion soooo." You shrugged and pulled him while he hopped as well. You two ventured the huge halls, looking to the music room.

"Can you hear someone playing the piano at night? Emily says it's Hastur but I'm pretty sure it's Joseph. You know why?" You asked him as you two took a turn, surprisingly, no one's around and it's quiet.
"Why?" He asked curiously.
"Because at times when the piano plays, Aesop's always missing. Do you know that Aesop can do the ballet? And the fact that the music every night is perfect for dancing." You giggled.
"Imagine Aesop. The shy type, introvert and quietest amongst us doing the ballet!" You laughed, trying to keep it all together before hunters can find you.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2020 ⏰

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