[17] Exciting Confession | Part 1

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'Don't know if you guys still watch Aikatsu Stars but I wrote this a long time ago and I thought it was really funny! This is just cut into 2 or more parts so I hope you guys like it'
"E-Eh!?" A surprised shriek echoed throughout the hallways, of Four Stars Academy. It was a beautiful Saturday morning, yet there were two students that remained, within the hallways of a silent school.

Following our cute-type idol known as Nijino Yume, we find that she has been asked of a sudden request, from a student of the Wind Dance Class.

"Please!" A blonde-haired girl was bowing down, as she begged Yume for her assistance.

"Umm...uhh..." Yume's mouth barely allowed any words, to come out of her mouth as she troubled with her response.

"Ah! I'm so sorry, how rude of me! My name is Miyakuru Ami!" Ami introduced herself, as she lifted her head, to allow Yume to look in her sky-blue eyes. Ami's hair, was quite simple with all her hair, tied on the side. Yume noticed the fear in Ami's eyes, from the thought of being rejected, in her request.

"O..Okay! I'll help you, Ami-chan!" Yume smiled happily, as she smiled broadly.

"R-Really?...Thank you, Nijino-san! Thank you!" Ami bowed her head once again, grateful for Yume's answer.

"Ehhh? Nijino-san? Call me Yume! But, what was your request again? Typical...

~ Soon After ~

"E-Ehhhhh!? Once again, the same shriek was heard soon after, the two girls were outside of the school building. They were both sitting in a bench, near the entry of Four Star Academy.

"C-C...Confess!?" To Subaru!?" Before Yume could let out anymore shouts, Ami slapped her hands on Yume's mouth to silence her. Ami nodded, and confirmed Yume's loud statement.

"I...I've heard from other students that you know him well, and have a good relationship with him." Ami murmured, loud enough for Yume to hear.

"H-Hah!? Yume exclaimed. Know well? Good relationship!? Those few words covered any other thought, in her mind and before she knew it, her cheeks began to turn a bright red.

"Y-Yume-chan?" Ami blurted out, as she waved a hand in front of Yume.

"...E-Eh!? Um...I'm not the best person to-"

"Please! You're my only hope!" Ami's cries, pierced Yume's heart as her chest began to ache. Was she feeling bad, or was it something else.

"...O..Okay! I'll do everything I can do!" Even though a smile was present on Yume's face, her chest began to ache once again.

~ Later on the Day ~

Okay, thing that Subaru would like...What could Ami give him? Ah, I know who to ask! Yume's eyes flashed for a moment, yet it wasn't the same, happy light that would always charm others. It was somehow dark, even if they were having an unfamiliar shine to ask.

Nijino Yume was in the dorms, in front of a specific dorm, that belongs to one of her friends. Yume knocked on the front door, as she called out "Ako-chan!". Soon after, the door was opened to reveal Ako-chan, who had a Subaru plushy within her hands.

"Yume-chan?" Ako blurted out, as she looked at her friend who was smiling at her.

"Ako-chan! I was wondering if I could talk to you about Subaru!" Yume explained, as she awaited Ako's answer.

"Subaru-kyun?...Eh!?" Ako's eyes shone like ones of a cat. "Nyah!" She then, pushed Yume away from the door and slammed the door, shut. Yume giggled, but before she had left. She noticed a magazine, slide under Ako's door and towards her. Again, something felt as if a knife had struck her chest. But she gathered the courage to put on a smile. It's all for Ami!

"Thank you, Ako-chan!" Yume picked up the magazine, and ran off to her dorm.

~ The Next Day ~

On the previous day, Yume had given Ami, some advice and facts about Subaru's likes. She had suggested on making banana baked-bread, and Ami had followed it.

The sun was already dying down, as the sky was blurred in pretty reddish-orange colour. Yume was hiding in some bushes near a tree, while Ami was sitting on a bench, awaiting for her crush's arrival. Beside her, was a present that was decorated with a sky-blue ribbon. The blonde girl continued to try and calm down for her breathing, while the bushes continued to rustle by Yume's movements.

That was then, she stopped at the sound of footsteps began to ring in Yume's ears. She breathed heavily, as the footsteps became louder, and louder...until, they stopped. Yume's breathing stopped, when she had heard Subaru's voice.

"Were you the one who sent this letter?" Between Subaru's fingers, was Ami's letter that was coloured, with a light pink. Ami was silent, but eagerly nodded her head. The aching pain in Yume's chest began to hurt once again, it grabbed onto her heart, but why? Why was the pain so unbearable for her? Fear began to crawl up behind her. She clutched her chest, as her vision blurred from tears, that was soon daring to spill.

"I've read the letter and...well, I can't accept your feelings. Sorry." Subaru's apology was simple, but Ami couldn't help the tears that began to spill. The atmosphere was awkward, with Subaru and Ami, while Yume hid in the bushes.

"I-It's...It's okay, I understand." Ami bowed her head, and ran off. She grabbed her bag and ran off, leaving the present of banana baked-bread on the bench. Yume sighed in relief. The pain that clutched on her heart, had finally left her as she rested back on the bushes. She looked up, to find sapphire blue eyes, that looked at her with interest.

"AH!?"Yume jumped out of the bushes, in surprise, but only found Subaru with his same, familiar smirk.

"Were you listening in, Boiled Octopus?" He rose his eyebrows, in a mocking manner. While Yume flushed red, in embarrassment.

"Stop calling me that!" Yume puffed her cheeks out, as childish angered engulfed her. She turned away, to hide her embarrassed face. That was when something had jumped out of Yume's pocket. It was a small piece of paper, that flowed in the air. Subaru grabbed the piece of paper, and began to read it's contents. As he read it, his mouth started to grin. He then, started to read it out loud, to embarrass Yume even more.

"Subaru likes bananas. He enjoys dishes with eggs." He continued to speak, as Yume realised his actions.

"Give it back!" She demanded as she tried to snatch the paper back. In reply to her actions, Subaru only raised the piece of paper higher, out of her reach to tease her.

"His favourite colour is-"

"Give it!" Yume jumped but once her foot had been pulled back to the ground, she slipped and fell forward slowly. As she fell, so did Subaru, the both of them fell back to the ground.

Once Yume had felt a soft bump in front of her, she realised something soft on her lips. She opened her once-shut eyes, to find a beautiful colour of blue, in front of her. She lifted herself up from the ground slowly, to realise she was lying on Subaru. Her breathing was uneven and heavy once again. Her cheeks began to blossom a beautiful blush, of red once again, different from her usual. She jumped off of him, and ran off with a still-red face, leaving a stunned Subaru lying on the ground. She was finally freed from the pain that had haunted her. But now we can say, the reason why her face would always flush in red...wasn't just because of embarrassment.

'I didn't edit this so umm, you're experiencing my 8 year old self. LOL! Anyways, don't forget to follow and like this story!'

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