[20] Sleeping Subaru

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'Make sure to check at the end of the story for a special surprise!'
Yume's P.O.V

"I think I'm falling in love with him.."

I continued saying that line until I memorized it. When I heard a certain someone. I knew it would be him.

I still kept saying it when I just saw freakin Subaru checking out my script.

"What the heck are you doing interrupting my work, huh Subaru?"

I got his attention as he looked at me with a surprise expression.

"What? Is their something on my face?"

I exaggerated when I stared at him.

He smirked at me when he saw something on my lap.

"Hey Boiled Octopus, what's that?"

Subaru pointed at the script I was holding. It was called 'CEO Idol'. My face turned bright red while Subaru just bursts out laughing.

"Hahahahahaha! Ha, you read that kind of stuff? Haha"

He just continued on laughing he cried. I was a little bit gloomy when he put it like that.

"Well, it was for my brother anyways, I was just going to rehearse it until we act it out"

I exclaimed while putting the book away.

"Wait...you have a brother?"

He stated while still confused.

"Ha ha, very funny"

I rolled my eyes and turned back at him.

"You actually don't know him, the same last names are the same, I would've thought you have known"

My hair went loose, but I didn't notice.

"Look, it's—"

"Yume, it's time to go back to the.....mansion?"

Nozomu saw us both talking when he questioned,

"Hey Subaru, were you two talking?"

Nozomu just speed walked towards us.

"Yeah, me and little boiled octopus were just finishing up, how about you, what are you up to"

Subaru stood their and just talked for a bit with him.

"Oh, I was just going home with Yume, she was late going home so I had to pick her up"

"Nozomu, didn't you say you had rehearsal today?"

Yume puts her two hands on her waist and made an annoyed face.

Subaru: P.O.V

I was surprised, Yume's brother is my teammate, Nozomu. Since when did this happened?

"Subaru, if you want, you could come to our house and play video games in my Yume's room"

I saw an ombré haired girl all giddy when he mentioned the word 'video game'.

"Subaru-kun come on! Even Kanata~senpai is coming!"

'Poor Asahi, he's not invited! > ω <!'

"Doesn't he always barge in our house?"

Nozomu looked at Yume confused.

"Without our permission? Yea, but so what? It IS really fun with him around!..."

Yume's sunset~red eyes met my sapphire~blue eyes.

"But ....it will be more fun if you were there Subaru" I blushed so hard and turned around.

"I can't, I have to study on my Midterm exam" I continued walking the other way home.

Yume: P.O.V

My face was full anger when he refused. The other personality of mine unleashed.

"Subaru, y-you shouldn't have turned down Yume's request. She could get very angry when she doesn't get what she wants"

Nozomu backed a bit and scurried far to the center of the Boys and Girls Dorm to get out of trouble.

Subaru: P.O.V

"See ya bro!"


I yelled and ran.

"Come back HERE!?"
After Subaru finally got his lesson:

"Subaru went to your house after all! That's great!"

Kanata smiled as he sat next to me.

"This stinks"

Subaru complained. Immediate anger triggered me and that led Subaru running around inside the house.

"What did you say!??!"

I ran and chased him through the night until he gave up.
Bubble Bonus:

Subaru ended up staying in our house due to exhaustion *cough* knocked out *cough* *cough* and slept on my lap.

I'd be lying if I said that this was a common chance for me to be with him. I gently patted and ruffled his hair as he softly snored.

His hair was softer than cotton candy and the scent gave off an amazing bonus. My face slowly turned pink with a hint of red. I lowered my head closer to him and whispered something in his ear.

"I love you, Subaru"

3rd Person: POV

Subaru was secretly awake during that time but didn't want to ruin the moment. He enjoyed having the attention and the compliments he received from his girlfriend.

He felt a soft touch from his lips and smiled will remember to tease Yume about it later. It lasted for a moment until she pulled away.

'I love you too, my boiled octopus'

'There will be a chapter posted for 'My True Bully' tomorrow at 10:00 A.M MT. Sorry for the long update on that chapter. You guys must've been disappointed that I wasn't updating for a while. I was sick for a few days, and I'm trying to upload more. For now, make sure to follow me and like this story!'

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