Help Me It Hurts

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I lay there shivering with my face laid towards the students. I try not to look at them directly as they all stay silent, most of them hug the person next to them for comfort. It hurt me to see them like that because I had watched them grow up from Year 7. It was like I saw the innocence fade from their eyes.

I feel a warm hand on my shoulder and on my waist. Jin rolls me on my back and sucks in a sharp breath through his teeth at the sight of my blood covered shirt. He lifts it up to reveal my gapping wound. I can see the panic in his eyes as he takes off the bag he has on, takes out some fabric and places it on my wound to apply pressure. 'Y/N it's gonna be ok. I told you, you should have waited for back up!' He tears up and holds my hand while Jungkook calls in on his cop radio what has happened. I want to crawl into a ball when I spot the other guys. They all shout and sprint towards me making me want to cry even more. I feel them crowd around me and crouch. I feel Taehyung supporting my head looking even more shocked and angry then Jin had who Namjoon took over from. He pulled the pressure away from my wound to get a look and knew almost immediately that he had to take the bullet parts out of me as soon as possible. 'Help me *coughing up a little blood* it hurts,' I whisper. My throat was dry and scratched at every breath.

He grabbed the first aid kit and the others held me down. After cleaning as much of the blood as possible, he used the sharp surgical tools to pull out the parts. I scream loudly at the pain, scaring all the teens that were still there, watching on as who they thought was their classmate splattered her blood everywhere. My back curled in pain as my reflexes took over. My whole body tensed and moved making his job very difficult. It felt like fire on my stomach when finally got all the pieces out and I start to sob. Taehyung is stroking my hair, yoongi is holding my hand and Jimin is bandaging up my cut arm. Hoseok cleans the blood off my face and puts an ointment on my bruises, trying to be as careful as possible.

Namjoon is finally done after covering me in bandages and the familiar slam of the doors is followed by the police bombarding into the hall. I tried to ignore the heartbreaking looks on the students faces as they were escorted out and away from the crime scene. The cries they gave off made me feel so guilty. I should have been more prepared.

Tae's rage began to kick in as he saw the pain sparkling in my eyes. He called for 2 of his employees who were outside and he explained spoke to them in his deep authoritative tone that echoed in the room. I'm assuming he is ordering his men to take the main shooter to his warehouse like usual. He's probably already planning the torture in his head knowing him. They follow his instructions and leave with the man, dragging him along like a sack of potatoes.

Namjoon places the back of his hand on my forehead, checking my temperature. 'She needs alcohol' he spoke out watching me in pain. Jimin was quick to jump to his feet and legged it to my bag that lay alone in a row of chairs. He ran back down trying not to trip over his feet, holding out the vodka bottle that was in my bag. They sat me up carefully and i felt my head spin at the movement. I started to drink, not even tasting it from the adrenaline rushing around my body.

I leaned on Yoongi's chest and felt his warmth radiate onto me. I was exhausted. So much so that my eyes kept falling shut and the boys kept attempting to wake me. It was dangerous to sleep in this state...

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